portfolio crit
- Started
- Last post
- 19 Responses
- Kiko
Hi guys, just completed my new folio and would love to get your feedback.
- Autokern0
Quick direct and well refined. Nice one!
On the other hand: i'm not sure about the band on the top left and the portfolio/resume switch. The first looks some kind of ripoff from F W A site of the day band (same color, same outlined type, same overall feeling) while the latter looks borrowed straight from Krop.
Those are the only flaws i can find. Otherwise is solid.And, but this is just a matter of taste i guess, thje + and - on the buttons are overly big.
- Autokern0
Another thing that would make it better is to make the project listing on the footer as links, on the "show all" page,
- Projectile0
no way I love the big buttons!!
My only thing is it took a while to notice the "view project" bit. And the booze one, no one is going to enter details, so maybe just put more screenshots of it in the folio. In fact a few of them could do with more pages.. I'd personally rather not leave your site
but damn.. nice work buddy!!
- Kiko0
Great feeback, thank you
- desmo0
agreed on the yellow band comment. id actually just remove it all together. otherwise, great stuff!!!
- Leigh0
Ditch that f w a style ribbon in the corner.
- Im starting to feel no love for that banner. It needs something there though, don't you think?Kiko
- nowordsinyourmouth3
- ********0
I like the front page, but after that I thought you where trying to sale me House Insurance.
- oh my god! I was actualy trying to buy sell.me . Man that's been used since I was 6,Kiko
- typist0
from public choice
ribbon is the new black?
shadow ribbon font is the new black too?
- akrokdesign0
yeah, nice work. agree on the ribbon, it has to go.
also, the button for portfolio / resume feels very krop portfolio.- ill change the ribbon, but the krop buttons, that's just a pain!Kiko
- i hear ya.
fyi. nice resume. :-)akrokdesign
- ********0
Sorry mate I was looking at the wrong website. yeah your work is strong, very good.
- Oh, I thought you were making some reference to my surname selmi! thanks :DKiko
- ********0
Nice!....Just somehow make the Nav-buttons (-+ve) more prominent (highlight them or something ) !
- yeah I few poeple have said that, I think its something I have to address.Kiko
- Kiko0
BUMP, for all the people on the other side of the world.
( sounds like a line from the Black Eyed Peas future single )
- twokids0
pretty easy to review your work. that is nice. i can see who you are and what you can do - fast.
i do have an issue with + and - as navigation.
(from ny comments to timothy long)
plus and minus have meaning, usually about size or volume and does not really make sense for pics that change out. i mean you get it pretty quick what to do, but it still just doesn't make sense. it seems like you are being clever to be clever.
- ********0
this is really good work
- ********0
wait...site made by http://www.flashmonkey.co.uk
nice work anyway. learn flash.- I designed the site etc, but its all xml driven and I would not have any idea where to start.Kiko
- oblib0
the first thing that i noticed is that when you click the "+" button the images feel like they're scrolling the wrong way. personally i'd make the images scroll from right to left when the "+" was clicked.
contact, clicks to a mailto link. contact should have it's own page.
resume, i'm not really getting what i thought i would when i clicked on the resume nav button... like a resume. the client list is definitely important to have, but i feel it's over shadowing everything too much. maybe change up your image area size/text zone size template. not sure why you have a request a resume link on the resume page, doesn't make sense to me. that should be a link to download a pdf.
also don't know why the portfolio/resume buttons are separated from the other nav buttons. looks like you're going for a clean site, why not have the site be even more cleaner with those nav items with the rest of the nav?
i've probably said too much, i hope i'm not offending. overall, it's a very slick site, but i think it needs a little more thought put into it. you're very close. good luck!
- utopian0
remove the F W A sticker
- wordsinyourmouth30
get rid of that ridiculous F W A corner banner. Does it need something there? = NO
not sure if the krop style button is the best solution
otherwise, solid site
- Kiko0
Thank you everyone for your comments :D