Art Magazines
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- 17 Responses
- Gucci
Why are they all seemingly so poorly designed?
Every art magazine I pick up looks like utter shit. The work is always fantastic and inspiring, but is it just that they don't value the design as much as the content? I'm confused.
I want to understand... help me understand.
- airey0
maybe you're too old and don't 'get it' anymore?
- Gucci0
more specifically, the ads are terrible.
I've considered that I'm too old, but I don't think being in your 20s is too old yet. ;)- i'd hope not or the 35 i just turned is past expiration!!!airey
- 20 is the new 40ismith
- hhe, I know what you mean though. I don't pick up too many art mags because of it.ismith
- 35?? Holy fuck. How is your sciatica?Gucci
- it's probably bad but i can't feel anything past the prostate pain. that and the memory loss helps.airey
- Meeklo0
all of them are poorly designed?
no offense, but you either have incredibly high standards, or you just have a lot of time free time, because a statement like that means that you have studied thousands and thousands of magazines.. right? :)
- utopian0
I agree with Gucci
- Countryman0
I think meeklo is onto something. I am not sure what art magazines you have been looking at, but there are a lot of very well designed magazines out there. Granted if your looking in the shitty art section your not going to find much. Maybe you should do a little research before you go and make such a stupid generalization.
- Countryman0
I can agree with you that purely art magazines (only ceramics or only photography ect.) are not as well designed as magazines that are multi genre like metropolis, ID, monocle ect.
- ********0
baseline is nice
foam is nice
novum is nice
- mayo0
I like Hi-Fructose. It's pretty clean and straight forward which allows the focus to be on the artwork.
- airey0
i have to argue that big jugs monthly is not that bad a design. for what it is. you know.
- akrokdesign0
art = fart ...heh
- akrokdesign0
might be that art magazines are more likely to be "design" by an artist then a designer.
on the other hand. you holding it upside down. lol.
- Sandder0
in mho a lot of 'designers' don't really know what a designer does. They think they are illustrators and visual artists, which reflects in a lot of additional crap around otherwise nice work.
- neue75_bold0
because it's art, not architecture...
- bolus0
i contemplate subscribing to:
can't seem to find single issues over here
- CphGD0
This is pretty nice: