game programers... pal & ntsc

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  • Utopianacht

    ok.. here's a question to anyone that knows or actually do programing for games... without getting on wicht plataform, xbox, ps3 or wii, how the port its worked? I mean.. if you do a game on ntsc how this is ported to pal and viceversa? just more programing to put in one signal to other? or it's more complicated?

  • elee0

    I think that's more of a hardware issue...the graphics card in the system is what converts the image to the correct output format. Think of it like a computer with DVI and VGA outputs - you don't have to do programming specific to the output format, you just use the programming language to draw what you want, and the card handles the rest.

  • Utopianacht0

    but an example when hardware doesn't have nothing to do.. I got a wii that has homebrew installed.. with one of the programs I can force a pal game to run on my ntsc machine... maybe its more software.. but still don't really knows if it's always like this... maybe it's something particular on this machine that can't be exploted on a ps3 or xbox...