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  • calcium

    What are some good font's that also have foreign character-set counterparts.

    Obviously this is for the web, but will be contained within flash and javascript for region specific text.

  • Autokern0

    The question is: how many languages?

    By experience i can tell you:
    you'll find some nice faces with the CE (which mens they support the central-european glyphs) There are several among them.

    If you have to go euro-wide, the choice narrows: you have to look for typafaces who support Greek, Cyrillc, Makedonian (and eventually Hebraic and Armenian)
    On this category you'll find the Helvetica World,
    which doesn't support Totally Unicode but a quite big part of it.

    Then the step further is worldwide, and here the only faces you can really rely with are the ones who support Unicode.
    See here for reference:……

    Windows vista features a version of Tahoma Unicode
    as well as Arial and Times new Roman.