imovie files

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  • keiTai

    Hi, i hope some one can help me out.

    I have done some editing in i movie but now my file seems to be corrupted ( probably happend during saving when the powercable came out).
    I can,t open the file anymore. (i worked on it in imovie 7.0.) When i put the corrupt file on a newer macbook, it shows as a folder instead of the document icon ( with a star). In that folder i can see the timeline movie and all the imported dv parts. Is there a way to recover my edited file form there, or create a new one with that components without doing all the work again?

    An other option is a quicktime ref movie i have found from earlier today. a previous version. Is there a way to import that quicktime movie in to i movie so i can redo the final adjustements?
