After Effects Hi-Res exports
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- 12 Responses
- nosaj
Anyone know if there is a way to export hi-res stills from After Effects? All of the elements are vector.
- harlequino0
If it's vector, and you turn on the Continuous Rasterize for the layers, you should be able to export at any resolution you want. I think.
- nosaj0
Oh - and I just need 1 frame - not the whole sequence.
- _me_0
say what now?
if your source layers are vector then just set to whatever rez you want and have the "continuously rasterize" setting on your layer....
- chossy0
frame save as, photoshop file, in the composition drop down I think.
- psenso0
- psenso0
lol wut
- nosaj0
Continuous Rasterize is turned on and I can export a still with the "frame save as" but only at the size of the source (1280 by 720 in this case). I want the still at 4 times the size - is that possible?
- nosaj0
I guess I could make a new comp at the size I want to export and then drag the origional in and scale up. Was thinking there might be an easier way.
- _me_0
make your comp. 5120x2880 or whatever it is and scale your rasterized layer up and then export.
* hi-fives chossy on another AE thread well done.
- Meeklo0
or you can export as image sequence (move the playheads to the area you want to render, and then change the fps to like 1 or something like that)
- harlequino0
I think you can do the blowing up of size directly in render settings, you may not necessairly need to create an enormous comp.
- chossy0
Can you not just export a SVG file?.... whatever the fuck that is?...