web help...

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  • thizzbobby

    this is what the client wants, for cheap. im not realy sure about what's available out there like this i could setup for him super fast. it's kind of a favor for someone, through a mutual contact. LE SIGH

    "The only place where there isn’t an empty field after each item is the “Industry Category” which should use a pull down menu, calendars for the start and end dates, and a pull down menu for “full time” and “part time.” Here is the basic outline for it:

    1) Employer
    General Information
    Company Name
    Company Address
    Phone Number
    Company Description
    Internship Information
    Industry Category (drop down)
    >>>> The 27 categories are: 3PL, Banking and Financial Services, Barge Operator, Bunkering and Marine Fuels, Consultancy, Diesel and Engine Services, Diving and Underwater Services, Dredging, Freight Forwarding/Customs/NVOCC, Import/Export, Intermodal/Logistics, Marine Insurance, Maritime Attorney, Maritime Education, Maritime Law Enforcement and Security, Ocean Liner, Railroad, Safety, Ship Agency, Ship Building and Repair, Ship Chandler, Stevedoring, Cargo/Passenger Terminal Operator, Trucking, Tug Operator, Warehousing/Distribution, Other <<<< Time Structure: Full Time Part Time Select Internship Start Date <<<<<Place a calendar here>>>>>>
    Select Internship End Date
    <<<<<Place a calendar here>>>>>>

    Contact Information
    Phone Number
    Fax Number
    E-mail Address

    2) Students

    I think for the students it will be a simpler process.

    Contact Information

    First and Last Name
    Zip/Postal Code
    Phone Number
    Cell Phone Number

    Submit Résumé <--- use a search button to allow person to locate the document on hard drive and the system will forward the resume to the correct employer who posted the position in the first place.

    Also, is it possible to use a counter for each submitted position so that only the submitter can see whether or not his posting is being viewed? Otherwise, I think this is basically it. Please let me know if you need any clarification on this. I can be reached at the number given in my .sig."

    i don't know what to look for or even start searching for where i could learn it. im a fast learner, and welcome the opportunity.

  • ********

  • ********

    is this in English?

  • ipissexcellence0
  • vaxorcist0

    If they have a low budget, this form code can be done fairly easily as long as there aren't any revisions and the design is simple.

    1. form page (with light javascript to validate + do calendars) + thank-you page text
    2. PHP script that checks and saves data
    3. PHP script for admin login to download applications, see counts of applications, stats(?)

    1. what fields are required?
    2. Is the email address going to get confirmed? (send them and email, they have to respond to prove real email?)
    3. anti-spammer features, like Akismet or Captcha?
    4. will client import into Excel?
    5. Can we put it on any PHP server? or do they demand ASP/coldFusion/JSP,etc?
    6. Does it have to be designed to fit into an existing layout?
    7. RE: Also, is it possible to use a counter for each submitted
    position so that
    only the submitter can see whether or not his posting is being viewed?
    -> yes, via a login for the poster/admin

    Question of scope
    ??? Is there a single form, or is it a job-listing board with lots of jobs
    that people see a list of them and respond to one at a time?

    This is pretty easy in principle. If not much revisions, cheap.

    PHP server is easiest. If JSP/ColdFustion/ASP, requires conversations
    with system people ++ time.....

    contact me if you're interested...

  • 23kon0

    When clients tell you they have a small budget, remind them that they will get what they pay for.

    Sometimes their expectations will be too high for what they want to pay for - designing and building a good, intuitive form takes time.

  • jevad0
