iShit on iPhoto
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- 5 Responses
- Kiko
Whats wrong with this program? I seem to have duplicate images and duplicate events, so I delete one but then the images from the other are deleted, but it still stores all the thumbnails, its a mess. uses up way too much disk space saving original and modified pics, Its really pissing me off how apple have created such a crap application.
I have just lost years of images thanks to this pile of shite.
- ********0
load the whole library in again by dragging the main folder on. doubt it deleted anything!
- its deleted all the originals, I do not have a back up of them :(Kiko
- ribit0
I think its useful for some stuff (not my work). Definitely use Time Machine or some other backup though.. Your photo collection should never be trusted to just a single database like that!
- raf0
Lightroom keeps the originals and remembers all the steps you performed on an image. Each time you see an image it gets rendered from original with all your edits. This approach lets you keep all undo steps too.
It does keep full size previews, but they can be easily purged.Not sure about picasa, never used it.
- I love lightroom...Jnr_Madison
- ..until it slept with my mother.Jnr_Madison
- your mother prefers darkroom, and frankly so do i.lambsy
- calcium0
Why iSight cannot flip an image to the right orientation is beyond me.