Personal Projects

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  • 6 Responses
  • Scotch_Roman0

    I wrote/illustrated/designed a little book several years ago called Macro:Micro. It's on my website. It cost a pretty penny up front (well, for my budget at the time anyway), but it was well worth the effort: it almost immediately got me 7 interviews in various parts of the country, and ultimately landed me a good job. It showed that I can think on a complex conceptual level, that I can write, that I can art direct, and that I have initiative. I wish I had the cash to produce another promo right now, but I'm afraid the website as promotional tool will have to do for now.

    • how did you handle distribution?version3
    • I just picked the design firms and agencies I wanted to work for, as well as some potential freelance clients.Scotch_Roman
    • I think the potential clients had no idea what they were looking at, but I got tons of positive feedbackScotch_Roman
    • from the design community.Scotch_Roman
  • version30

    my personal projects are intended to produce profit. based on that, you are "working" be it for yourself, if there is to be a fruit to your labor

    • that's a good point. either to make new connections (if it's a collab), bring focus to your commercial skills (if it's art), etcrzrffglyr
  • juhls0

    *is confused that there is such a thing*

  • hitsuji0

    anyway here's a sample of one personal project thats been on hiatus for months. need to finish it off. i'm getting my mate to illustrate it because he is 10 times better than me. but i'm storyboarding and designing it all. so literally i'll just hand him the storyboards and he can work his magic. he's doing it for free aswell, as a friend. not sure why i'm doing, just be nice to see come to life really.

    • don't know what it is but love it!emukid
    • that's greatRand
    • haha thanks. it's a spoof of all those zombie virus films. myxomatosis being the virushitsuji
  • locustsloth0

    i have the same trouble with non-paying projects (whether they're for myself or a friend). i actually get a little panicky when i realize i could be using the same time to make money.
    What i think might work (but haven't gotten myself to do) is set out a schedue for the week. These days i work on paying stuff, these days i work on personal stuff. And stick to it unless a deadline or something is looming. Treat yourself like a paying client. Maybe even set dealines for yourself. But like i said, i haven't been able to do it either.
    i did recently work on something that had a deadline but was not paying work and i was free to do as i please with it. The deadline helped keep me motivated to work on it and in the end (even if nothing comes of it) it was extremely satisfying to see it thru and complete it

    • cool that sounds like a good idea. i need to get organizedhitsuji
  • emukid0

    i don't do personal projects because if i am going to get ridiculed for my work anyway, i might as well get paid for it.

    • haha yeah i'm the same. plus when you tell people your personal project is an illustrated...hitsuji
    •, they just laugh and tap me on the shoulder.. "ok pete, you go write your book"hitsuji
  • hitsuji

    Something I'm quite bad at doing is personal projects. It's not like I don't have the time but I'm scared I'm wasting valuable time that could be spent of money making work instead. I have a hundred ideas in my head, ranging from animations to websites to illustrations etc. But I never find myself doing any of them. I start but never finish. In an ideal world, making a living off your personal work would be amazing too.