fancy dress
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- 19 Responses
- Kiko
I have an xmas party tonight and its fancy dress. I have not got anything and I have no idea what to go as.
Any ideas, something preferable simple and funny. with minimal effort required :)
- ********0
- WeLoveNoise0
were all going dressed as elves around huddersfield
- Reggio0
Put a stamp on your lapel and go as "First Class Mail / Male"
(not so funny if you're a bird)
- Kiko0
now thats an idea
I wanted to dress up in a box and go as a boxer
or cover myself in wrapping paper and go as a rapper
- Lillebo0
Cut a hole in your jeans' rear end. Voila, you're an asshole.
- Kidswift0
White sheet and go as the ghost of Xmas, ala scrooge... best halloween costume was made that went as a bloody and beaten santa so maybe an out of season person somehow teniously worked into the xmas theme.
- paraselene0
ours is tonight, as well. it's fancy dress and the theme is 'what you wanted to be when you grew up'.
i *still* don't know what i want to be when i grow up...
- astronaut or indiana jones.ian
- paarselene.... where do you work?Kiko
- uh-oh, do we work together? hatton garden?paraselene
- TMW?Kiko
- nope! grey.paraselene
- phew! I was getting freaked out. Ours is when I grow up theme too.Kiko
- strange coincidence...paraselene
- ian0
- That first adomination is by ralph lauren. who the fuck would pay top dollar for that?ian
- I love that sweateralicetheblue
- Wolfboy0
If you go with the bad jumper thing, add a little fake beard, write some stupid little symbols all over your hand and arm and you've got Noel Edmonds.
you could also wear a red box around the groin area and have a little Christmas treat for the ladies when they lift the lid
"Deal or no deal?"
- Kiko0
I just bought 10 big issue magazines from the lady downstairs, and Ive made a billboard for the front back saying big issue sold here.
Cheap as chips
- megE0
i think a fancy dress would work nicely
- Reggio0
Tape loads of purple balloons to your body and go as a bunch of grapes.