fla. btns working parttime :/ & send btn issue

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  • hiatus

    i have a site that I just half made. I am having an issue with the navigation btns. If you press the btn to fast or after some navigation thru the site, the btn stop working. The logo which is the home btn is the only return to norm at that point. I have a /unloadmovie/ tag on the btns.

    Also in the contact page, my send btn isn't working. the code on it is:
    on (release) {
    _root.pages.page6.form.loadVaria... "POST");
    Should I be more specific and use
    /_root.pages.page6.btn.onRelease... tag instead??

    The entry form is a mc with the following code on the same layer as the btn:
    _root.pages.page6.form.t1 = "";
    _root.pages.page6.form.t2 = "";
    _root.pages.page6.form.t3 = "";
    _root.pages.page6.form.t4 = "";
    _root.pages.page6.form.t5 = "";
    _root.pages.page6.form.t6 = "";
    _root.pages.page6.form.t7 = "";

  • anxiousarms0