Cat Purring App

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  • 23kon

    Anyone downloaded the recent update to the iphone application "White Noise" ?

    Theyve added a whole load of new noises and controls to the app to see you off to sleep or a state of relaxation.

    Totally blown away by the Cat Purring sound.
    We had two cats when I was a kid and my one used to sleep on my bed with me so hearing this was quite a comforting sound.

    Not tried it for getting to sleep with though as battery was nearly flat. Have tried some of the older sounds though like the fan and the city, they work for a wee while but then they start to get annoying.
    The cat purring one seems to alternate like a real breathing patter.

  • Jnr_Madison0

    Yeah, I've got the 'ambiance' app and it has purring. Would piss me off rather than help me sleep mind you.