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- 10 Responses
- Haydesign0
Oh man thanks Modern. You were late but priceless in your advice.
- modern0
It's not a problem at all, simply go into publish settings and choose Actionscript 2 and do it as normal.
You can't use AS3 on most banner systems anyway so advising Haydesign to do it the proper AS3 way is pointless.
- Good point. I can't think of any of our vendors at work that will take Flash 9. Half won't even take Flash 7CyBrain
- extremely true.
Well done.mikotondria3
- mikotondria30
we all feel your pain, Hay - more often than not I think it would have been easier to get up to speed with 3.0 if I'd not spent the last few years blasting out 2.0 without really having to think...
I have been helped greatly by the OReilly 'Essential Actionscript 3.0', and Lee Brimelows stick at it, it really is a far more grown-up language than the spasmodic paper and string of 2.0 :)
- sixfngers0
take the code off of the button/movieclip.
Make an blank keyframe on the timeline directly above current frame then cut and paste the code from where it is now and into that blank frame.
- sixfngers0
take the code off of the button/movieclip.
Make an blank keyframe on the timeline directly above where ever the cut and paste the code from where it is now and into that blank frame.
- Haydesign0
How do i just add a frickin link to a URL these days?
*Anger aimed at Flash not helpers!
- Haydesign0
I still get this though?
WARNING: Actions on button or MovieClip instances are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. All scripts on object instances will be ignored.
- mikotondria30
hrm... Mous... should be:
"MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP", MouseUp
- mikotondria30
yourButton.addEventListener(Mous... MouseUp);
function MouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
- Haydesign
Urgent help if possible.
I created a banner in Flash.
Stupidly i selected AS3 not knowing that it would effect much.So the link to my site doesn't work.
Is there a way of converting the document to AS2 or can someone quickly tell me what the AS3 version of this is please.on(release){
getURL("" , "_blank");