Great Album Covers
Great Album Covers
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- 40 Responses
- MrOneHundred0
we know.
- ismith0
Another thread?
- nosaj0
Yeah - I'm sure it's already been posted in a hundred other threads. I just picked up re-released vinyl today and was blown away by it. I've had posters and T-Shirts of the print which were pretty cool, but the actual textured record sleeve is just awesome.
- Audria0
even better then the album cover is just Ian Curtis and his voice box
- Meeklo0
- so ahead of its time...Meeklo
- Yeah, you're right – way ahead of its time. Know who did it?dog_opus
- hahahaha the nike shoe / boose speaker againerikjonsson
- Imagine doing that without Photoshop.CyBrain
- dog_opus0
You know, this thread reminds of another badass thread that was started by one badass mamma-jamma not so long ago.
- matt310
- or, perhaps the original? http://farm3.static.…emmaopeel
- 23kon0
Is the Joy Division cover REALLY the BEST?
Or is it one of the most ICONIC?I think it's the most overated album cover of all time.
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