Hungry? Ollie's Trolley is crack.

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    Anyone else familiar with these dodgy food stands?

    Local rumor has it that the Louisville Trolley is the only survivor of the once-widespread chain. That's not quite true. In fact, here and there around the nation - in Cincinnati, in Washington, D.C., and in the capital's suburbs - you'll find a few old Trollies still in operation with independent owners. Some have added individual touches - the District of Columbia Trolley, I am reliably informed, has both the trademarked Ollieburger and carry-out Lebanese cuisine on its bill of fare.
    The menu offers a few alternatives to the Ollie Burger, ($2.73 for an Ollie loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomato, dill pickles and sliced onions) including a bacon burger ($2.50), chile burger ($2.24), not to mention a chicken sandwich ($2.04, with the trademark Ollie Sauce), fried fish ($2.29, Ollie Sauce optional), Polish sausage ($1.75) or a hot dog ($1.45, or $1.85 with chile). The estimable Ollie's Fries, tossed with black pepper and spices, are $1.20.

  • designbot0

    Nice, I would give on a try. Ollie burger sounds delicious.

    It's worse here in Colorado. You have people that will sell tacos and burritos out of there cars and vans. I know some guys straight from Mexico that love hitting these sketchy I know I would get ill for sure if I tried to eat that food.

  • designbot0

    Nice, I would give one a try. Ollie burger sounds delicious.

    It's worse here in Colorado. You have people that will sell tacos and burritos out of there cars and vans. I know some guys straight from Mexico that love hitting these sketchy I know I would get ill for sure if I tried to eat that food.

    • that was strange....QBN crashed on me. Sorry for the double-post.designbot

    the hotdog stands and shit around here are sketchy. These guys invest in a Wal-Mart grill, posterboard, and some markers - along with the cheapest possible grub and charge alot for it!