Type 'n' Money
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- 12 Responses
- decisionman
Hey All,
I'm part of a design start-up, we don't have lots of money, clients don't have lots of money ... all the money we have has been put into CS3, computers, etc.
When it comes to typography, price is an extremely limiting factor. Font Folio is ... over $1000? Just wondering if anyone knows of any service / program / etc. for some poor type enthusiasts.
- detritus0
Buy individually, as you go?
- Yup. Use the advance money you get for contracts to buy typefaces for the project..brains
- Just do what every other bastard here does - rip off fonts for free 'til you can afford not to, then start buying them.detritus
- No.decisionman
- digival0
arrrrghhhhhh!!!! Pirate!!!!
For management, you can use this for free: http://www.linotype.com/fontexpl…
- But yeah, build the cost of fonts and resources into your proposals.NONEIS
- ninjasavant0
- ********0
you could of used student discount on the software...
- decisionman0
Oh detritus ... don't you see the vicious cycle?
- decisionman0
NONEIS: I agree with that, I just hope it wouldn't scare off clients to go with someone else who doesn't include type costs in proposals ... which means it's the expensive "good" guy versus the cheaper "bad" guy ... and the bad guy wins.
If you are being on the up and up, it's good policy. The client should own the fonts you use for their brand, and it is a one time purchase, I would try and explain it that way.
- Also, client's want to spend money, really they do, it makes them feel like they are receiving something of value.NONEIS
- Hmm ... that's a good point.
- detritus0
If you're honest with yourself, no, I don't see the vicious cycle.
Actually, I'm not so sure I know what you're referring to?
I've got tonnes of fonts I've not paid for, but if I end up using them in a billable project, I charge the client and get legit copies - mostly because they'll ask for it for internal use anyway, at which point my morals kick in for sure, if they hadn't already.
I only really use the few fonts I've paid for with any regularity, though I guess I am a bit naughty and use unpaid-for fonts for personal stuff (which is never likely to see the light of day anyway).
I view this the same way as I do music (except more so, because of the corporate angle) - I download shitloads of free stuff. Anything I actually like or use profitably, I then go out and buy. I know it's not 'right', but I'm a fairly honest guy, so I can live with myself.
- decisionman0
I agree, but if it's for, say, a TV show intro ... then it's quite literally a one-time use scenario :P
- detritus0
If it's for a TV show, they've definitely got the budget to cover the coupla hundred bucks. Fuckit - you don't necessarily need to specify 'font x' in your billing - just add it in to your rates.
A good font paid for will save you hours of headache and effort, so it's worth it.
1 time for you, many times for the show...