Crap Boss
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- 35 Responses
- tank02
Boss just tore me a new one,
i'm quitting, fuck man...
shit job anyway, such a let down.
- Spookytim0
Make sure you piss somewhere where it can fester un-noticed before you leave.
- A strong piss mind you. Save it up and also dehydrate yoruself so its like salty syrup.Spookytim
- Hahahaha nice! or do the same with seafood, a bit of calamari under the carpet never hurt anyoneuncle_helv
- asparaguskld
- omgitsacamera0
sorry to hear that
- put a cantaloupe somewhere it cant be found. BETTER, a durian...omgitsacamera
- nadnerb0
two words: sniper rifle
- kelpie0
what was his chat?
- tank020
Workload in the studio, i'm the only lead designer + 2 dtp'ers.
We come from 3 lead designer + 2 dtp'ers.
I can't take the workload anymore, i'm constantly working on 5 big projects at the same time...
plus the fact i should be at home taking care of my very sick mom..
and than the fucker as the nerve of questioning my workspirit, workways, ...
aah what a fucker...
- WeLoveNoise0
work freelance - more money, more time to yourself
Very sorry to hear about your mother.. Is the pay good where you are? I have worked with some outright "cunts" in the past and I have moved jobs a bit till I found my current job, that I am so happy with! I used to have a tons of jobs on at once and worked my ass off, but I was earning nothing compared other designers where I was and when I asked for a pay rise my boss the fucker said no. So gave him the finger and left.
Best thing I ever did!
- ********0
Fuck him.
I mean, literally have rigorous and non-consensual relations with his dirty box of shame.
Don't forget to bring an apple-corer.
- phatlee0
If you should fancy a complete change tank02, get in touch: wow...that would be awesome!tank02
- do it Bart!!neue75_bold
- Its a good place to work, I'm only leaving because I had an offer I couldn't refuse.phatlee
- Email Andy if you're interested:
mailto:andy@wash-des...phatlee - DOH!!phatlee
- someone put a horse's head in your bed phatlee? That must have made the sheep jealous!********
- Where you going Phat?Dancer
- NBphatlee
- Jnr_Madison0
Find out where his wife works, then (as suggested by another nt'r) pay someone in her office to put one drop of fish oil on her chair everyday.
- neue75_bold0
I feel you young buck, I feel you...
- doctor0
Let him know how you feel about things.
"Either you STFU and hire another lead designer, to take off the pressure, or I'll leave this shit lair, ya cunt."
- dijitaq0
i was in a similar situation a couple of years ago. i quit and started to do freelance. it's the freedom of not having to be at the same place for 9 to 5, 5 days a week is what i love the most.
- ********0
I do not take responsibility for this link
I just provided useful informations…
- ian0
Hey tank, I know we disagreed on rotis and all (Aicher is fantastic, I didn't know he designed Rotis but it is a hideous font), anyway you're a talented bastard, and you do really good work.
If you feel like your under pressure all the time and undervalued, then its time to move on. I've worked in places before where the boss's idea of work spirit is that work comes first and everything else falls by the wayside to make up for that (late nights, weekend work, unrealistic deadlines, never ending pressure).
Get out of there, move on, you're far too talented to spend your days feeling miserable in a place you no longer enjoy, because its going to take its toll on you and your work.
If you do like working there, thats another matter, you need to talk to your boss and explain your situation and how you feel, it sounds like you need more people working with you and maybe your boss is trying to find other designers to hire or maybe he's just trying to squeeze you for more work to keep costs down, either way you need to discuss it.
Best of luck chief, don't let it get you too down and sorry to hear about your mother, I hope everything turns out for the best.
- leisaleisa0
freelance is the way to go!
- neue75_bold0
fart on his cake...
- Chazolta0
I've got a crap boss as well. Sucks