flash sound properties

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  • 2 Responses
  • wwfc

    Howdee all - need a bit of advice regarding sound properties in flash, or rather changing/eidting the compression settings of mp3's within a swf file.

    In my .fla I have eight individual mp3's that will play in sync - almost like overlays.

    Without changing anything and using imported mp3 settings I get a 9mb swf!

    What I want is for the mp3's to have maximum quality and minimum size - anyone have any benchmark settings for this kind of thing?

    You might say why not play around and see - but it all sounds the same - in fact I don't seem to be seeing a difference even when the covert stereo to mono is clicked. I would rather have it in stereo unless anyone has any neat tricks to tell the mono mp3 which speaker to come out of?

    What settings would you recommend?

  • skt0

    why don't you mix all 8 into one mp3 and then re-import it if they all play in sync anyway?

  • wwfc0

    ...I need to make each mp3 play at a different vol level, depending on where the user is within the site and which buttons they have pressed - I don't know if cascading would be the right term for this - but all mp3's compliment each other and will play at higher lower vols throughout the user visit.

    ...otherwise your suggestion would be the way amigo

    • ahhh, well, then, have a play!!skt
    • HA HA HA - Thanks skt! ;-)wwfc