flash mp3 syncing

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  • wwfc

    Morning all! - could really do with some help from those in the 'know' - any pointers, advice or urls would be warmly welcomed.

    I have an fla that I need to add sound to. The sound being in the form of 6 individual mp3's - here is what I am trying to do - I need the mp3's to play in sync (the are all elements from the same track - so same length etc...) but I want them to start playing or be audible as each button is pressed - so it becomes a layered montage if you like.

    I tried to just drop all 6 mp3's onto the timeline and use the setvolume command - but that returns a 9.9mb swf - not too clever for use over the web.

    Anyone know how I can get all 6 mp3's to load from the library and stay in sync and become audible when the corresponding button gets pressed - once they are audible they will loop infinitely (hopefully).

    How can I achieve this without having a 9.9mb swf?

    I have searched long and hard but nothing quite does it - what I have found is more along the lines of mp3 players that play one only and multiple mp3 file in sync??

    Anyone please??