Video Camera
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I'm looking for a prosumer level HD video camera CCD 3-chip for shooting internet vids. Any recommendations at around the $2000 price?
- zaq0
- zaq0
check out the quality…
- robotron3k0
beg, borrow or steal to get an extra 1k and see if you can get a used pana hvx.
- ********0
i was asking about this myself and a new canon hd cam kept coming up, it's just coming out soon...the hf10 is what i was thinking i think. 2000$ is an awkward price range, it's sort of like spend 800 less or 2000$ more
- robotron3k0
don't get me wrong, I'm all for small cameras, esp. for stunts and b-roll type stuff. If this is just for web, all you need is a Panasonic GS-400, you can find them on ebay and it's mini dv and image is more than you will ever need for web. if you are considering making some money with a camera package then step up to a 3k HD package. it all really depends on what you have in mind...
- totally concur. The HVX is a wonderful camera if you can swing that.harlequino
- nosaj0
any thought on the Canon GL2?…
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the AVCHD are 3chip HD handycams, good for prosumer vs 2000$ more for this,…
super prosumer
- Jaline0
I have to buy one for school between $800 and $1500. This should be interesting...
- video + DSLR, I believeJaline
- For "school," mmm hmm...JackRyan
- yup, taking a photography course within multimedia + web developmentJaline
- If I get accepted, that is :)Jaline
- So you decided more school?MrOneHundred
- yup. applying to a better college in Ottawa. which is different from a university (here).Jaline
- I was going to do Web Developer, but it costs a shitload of money over here, and I don't think it's worth it for one yearJaline
- one year. So I hope I get into the Multimedia Developer one, where you learn about 3D + flash + web development.Jaline
- ...which is somehow cheaper. Anyway, it's weird because I'm going to both of the same schools that my mom went to.Jaline
- Sounds like a well thought-out decision. We used to have free University in this country...MrOneHundred
- Hopefully. And yeah, I wish school was free. I'm glad I have a decent job that can help to pay for school.Jaline
- Algonquin? haha
- jobhall0
Sony FX-1 isn't bad. That's what I shoot on currently. Can't really go wrong with a Panasonic either.
- pr20
Every company makes high quality products and utter crap so saying can't go wrong with Panasonic is like saying "can't go wrong with an STD ridden HIV positive prostitute"
Question is, do ou have the editing power to edit HD? IF so why do you need HD is you are planing to shoot for the web? What you need is something that shoots 30p (Progressive) in NTSC land so that you can easily edit it on 29.97 time;ine and if you have to splice in 60i footage.
- nosaj0
I'm shooting primarily for web, but want to have the final content to be veratile enough to be run on different mediums. Possible DVD, broadcast etc...The footage will be 1 part of a project containing other stock footage, 3D animation, Flash animation etc...To date we've been building everything NTSC and outsourcing all the video work. I'd like to try some inhouse and am thinking about HD. That said having XLR inputs or a great internal mic could be just as important.
- ********0
i guess it depends on the content too. if it's just people or quick footage to show something you could get away with those 3ccd HD handy cams, if you need audio inputs and more control like for proper shoots to incorporate with 3d you need something with physical versatility, a real quality picture like the canon Canon XH A1 or panasonic HVX for more money
Or you could get something like this and convert to HD if necesary...
- zaq0
- pr20
it looks more like you need a whole package:
-- camera
-- tripod
-- some light
-- maybe tv monitor
-- maybe some mics
-- maybe a mixerIf i were you i would look into Canon HV30 (that shoots 24p and 30p) then add BeachTec box for XLR inputs and some kind of tripod (the best you can afford, but on the budget Impact can be have for $150 -- make sure to get the one with adjustable head so that you can level it easily. Then add a set of Impact Dome lights at $250 and you will have a decent video production kit and still stay under $2000 of your budget.
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- nosaj0
- NIce, so uh...with media you spent probably about 7-8k?harlequino
- Actually more like 10k?harlequino