Um... 'critique'?

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  • 43 Responses
  • JerseyRaindog0

    Your strike through from o to n looks thicker than the other strike throughs to me? Or am I wrong?

    • It's aligned right, it might be distorted a little because I arbitrarily shrink the previews from the working path.ismith
  • Point50

    stop working on logos and get your ass in World of Warcraft now!

    *dons wizard cap and robe, leaves thread

  • DoubleKing0

    most of these new iterations are decoration. they don't go much further towards solving the problem. good to see the additional work.

    as a note, showing them in different colors would be the wrong thing to do. it'll be easier to see the differences in the same palette, stick to black and numbering if necessary - though here top/mid/bottom would be fine. People get seduced by colors and often stop looking critically at the form changes.

    On the new, this "n" is fine and works with the original "f". They both need the same feet to complete the mark - so that it's anchored on either end. Your angle on the "f" is actually more distracting because the tilt of the letter forms is moving your eye to the right and the verso on the "f" is countering the read. Again, to my eye, the negative space between the "f" and the "a" is too close. Your earlier higher ascender was in better relationship to the rest of the mark.

    great to see you putting so much work into this.

    • Isn't that a big part about diplsay face typography? Decoration?univers
    • your question seems somewhat rhetorical and not in the spirit of my response. My point was that he seemed to be needlessly diverting on what had been finesse.DoubleKing
    • ...diverting from what had been finesse.DoubleKing