Inappropriate advert
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- 21 Responses
I usually get in first to the studio so I have a rummage through the mail before anyone else. I found this gem of an advert hidden amongst the usual crap (pun intended).
Now this is either a subliminal scat party advert that has somehow made its way through our doors or they actually intended this. I'm not sure which is worse?
- Mojo0
oh my word, that is gross
- ********0
2girls1cup REMIX
- Mojo0
btw, congrats on your first topic :)
- conSCATulations you mean********
- haha, you are too good.Mojo
- ZING!flashbender
- conSCATulations you mean
- Raniator0
ha. i suppose the worrying thing is if real 'scat fans' turn up thinking it actually is a subliminal party invitation and start shitting everywhere.
oh, hi by the way. i'm raniator. never much use but always sticking my nose in.
- creative-0
Anyone given the number a call?
- Raniator0
that's a mobile number, right?
the possibilities are endless!
- MSL0
It gets even worse... on their site they say:
'Whether your preference is a Strawberry Cream, a Chocolate Truffle, or you just like to take pot luck'.
- ian0
That is a fairly mingin ad, "come for the scat, stay for the possibility of finding your soul mate".
- ********0
even if it isn't scat, a chocolate lovers singles party is going to be full of fat cunts.
- ********0
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- I bet Chris Martin is confusedcreative-
- i'm confused********
- ********0
- oh god no********
- hahahhaha that was good********
- holy crap is that funny
- oh god no
- Spookytim0
As a fellow Brightonian I thought I should maybe write and ask them. Do you think I should send this email?...
Hello, I am a member of a global online graphic design forum. We often find ourselves discussing the merits, or otherwise, of pieces of information and marketing design that we come across. Someone just this morning has posted up a picture of your "Love&Chocolate" promotional marketing piece and there is a great deal of speculation about it so I have decided to just write to you and ask you directly...
Is your Love and Chocolate party a Scat party, or is it actually about chocolate. The picture looks quite unappetising to most people viewing it to be perfectly honest, hence the speculation.
Thanks for your feedback,
Studiospooky- do it do it********
- dont for get to add: 'HACKERS!!! BURN THE CANAL!!!'********
- Sent.Spookytim
- delicious... no pun intended********
- Excellent, please post response, if any.ian
- well done.flashbender
- do it do it
- ********0
- Mojo0
haha, let us know what happens spooky.
- ********0
- Jaline0
hahaha, wtf
- Jaline0
- god, I love meth. More than Super Hans loves crack.flashbender