Interview Stories

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  • OnePixelSolid

    Anyone got funny interview stories?

    Mine: I just remembered was that for about half the interview I foam on my upper lip from coffee. awww sheet. I got the job anyway. ha

  • OnePixelSolid0

    I "HAD" foam on my upper lip from coffee.

  • AndyRoss0

    Yeah. I've got one.

    I showed up for a job interview at a very respectable studio. I quickly looked around, and found I was a former sexual partner of the three women tasked to interview me!

    • "a former sexual parter". lol, wtf..
    • haha... did u get the job?moogoo
  • ********

    Of all three... or just one of the three

    • of all 3. don't you know that everyone on the internet is a sex master.
  • chossy0

    Did you get a stawnner aye he he

    I turned up for an interview once and quickly realised that I had been tricked into coming in for what I thought was an interview but basically they wanted to find out how to do things on their computers rather than actually interview me, so I said after a few minutes I think I should go as this isn't really what I expected.

  • ********

    Not really an interview, but in the old days when I wuz a graphic designer, I worked on the rebrand of Barclays Bank. We worked with the Barclays brand team for about two years and then it was time to present the working guidelines to the chairman Martin Taylor for final sign-off from the very very top. Martin Taylor was a very busy and important man sat at the very top of britain's biggest bank (at the time) in Threadneedle Street.

    We were told we had exactly seven Minutes with Mr Taylor so we musn't waste his time with pleasantries or go off on anecdotes/tangents, just go through each board of the sign-off presentation so he can reveiew and sign off on the new identity.

    I was given the job of presenting the boards and talking breifly about what was on each. It was really high pressure. Everyone was terrified. A lot was riding on this. I started on the first board. Martin Taylor sat expressionless looking at his desktop notepad and using his eyebrows to hurry me along. Not pleasant. So I finished the first board and turned to put it behind me. As I turned back I knocked the next board face down on the floor. I reached, that up, and the spent one behind me fell over. Nerves made me reach back to pick it up... I could have left it, we'd finished with it, but... well, you know how it is under pressure... anyway, I turned my back on Sir Taylor, bent down to pick up the other board and trumpetted the most fruitiest of parps, right at him. Direct hit.


    He didn't bat a fucking eyelid. Just used his eyebrows to hurry me along. I got to board 4 of about 9 and his watched beeped, he got up, gathered his stuff, instructed a minion to sign off on his behalf and left without saying anything.

    About two weeks later he walked out of the job and has never been heard of since. I like to think my tommypop played a part in opening his eyes to the wonderful things you can do with your life if you're not head of the most powerful bank in the world.

    • hahahahaa!
      I for one would like to see the animated disney version of this story!
    • hahaha
  • Stugoo0

    I know someone who traveled an hour to an interview only to find out they had forgotten she was coming and had spent all afternoon in the pub.she got the job.