Healthy Working Environment

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  • 17 Responses
  • Gucci

    What is a healthy working environment to you?

    Conversely, what is unhealthy?

    Some examples of situations you've been in would be helpful.

  • ninjasavant0

    Hooters is a good example of both.

  • emecks0

    sitting in the same room as someone who has a fake laugh and or accent is decidedly unhealthy.

    • is the accent fake?
    • What if they have both, do they cancel each other out?flavorful
    • it's just fucken annoyen, ok??
      makes you want to climb over the desk and do some amateur orthodontics with yer boots.
    • *gaffle-gaffle-gafaw...philipdrumman
  • detritus0

    My current one is deeply unhealthy - at home with no distinction between work and play, no space to make a mess, a shitty view, essentially the same location (in London) for nearly 4 years, too small, too twee, a housemate who I don't gel with.

    I'm moving soon - looking for a space where I can be on my own, make a mess, where it's large enough to be suitable for both work and play - but the same space, so I don't necessarily have to drive a wedge between the two. Also, there will be no TV, on constantly, barring me from my tranquility-zone.

    I miss not having people around me to bounce ideas off or cadge inspiration from. That needs changing.

    • sounds like you are in need of a hug, phone Kelpie.chossy
    • I've just spent 3 weeks at the folks, outside, gardening. I realised I missed that more than I thought.detritus
    • I need love in my life, Choss - you're right about that. My love for Kelpie's something different - you wouldn't understand.detritus
    • I'll move over their, we can all be mates. Its settled.JackRyan
  • 7340

    unhealthy = id say micro managing makes me want to kill

    healthy= being left the fuck alone to do whatever i want... more or less how my current job works. which is why im on here all the time now

    • +1 with the micro managing. It's like Office Space where i work. too make chiefs not enough indians.mrseaves
  • 7340

    hey emecks you know whats almost as bad(or maybe its worse) when they have that nervous laugh and they end ALL statements with it, even if what they are saying isnt a joke. i guess its a failsafe in case someone thinks what theyve said is stupid. ever experience that?

    • you know her too?????

      fucken hell!!
    • yeah seriously why is it always a female?734
    • they're ALL female..... ALL of themjimzyk
  • todelete__10

    healthy: It's always the little things. Free soda (or really cheap soda). Comfortable chairs, good equipment. The ability to turn off the overhead lights. Definitely the people you work with if they're cool. A place that allows you to decorate your space... I mean, if you're going to be spending 8+ hours a day in a "cube" it's really a home away from home so lets make it as comfortable as possible.

    unhealthy: 734 hit it right on the head, micro managing, it sucks. Working with people who openly say and act out how much they hate their job, it really brings everyone around them down. A place that doesn't allow you to wear a wife beater to work. "No pants half hour" each day if you work with disgusting people. Shitty equipment, no one wants to work on a machine that takes forever to load shit, often times crashes and is just a p.o.s to work on. Bad lighting. Chossy. Chossy would be a horrible guy to work with because that sum bitch is so over the top funny you could never get anything done and more times than not order in hookers and beer at 9 in the morning on a Tuesday.

    • My place in the office looks like I'm from Sparta. I've worked here for over 6 years too, haha.flavorful
    • Man, I have to decorate my office some more...Jaline
  • saunakspace0

    healthy: jump out of bed every morning.
    unheathly: jump into bed.

    • healthy/unhealthy: jump into bed with your boss?734
  • StratusGD0

    Kona: absolutly agree with your 'healthy' list - even having an accessible water cooler or 3 is a nice perk.

    Otherwise, healthy: Being made to feel important. If you show up on your first day, fill out your paperwork, are show your desk, and are abandoned, that's not cool. Even if you're a freelancer, getting a tour of your area (so you can find the kitchen, and a microwave), and being introduced to your co-workers and bosses and being included is awesome.

    Unhealthy: Deadlines, pitches, and meetings are a fact of life... but I hate when you're strung along for a week while decisions are made, then have to pull an all-nighter or two before a meeting because stuff couldn't be decided on, or people decided to come in late, take long lunches, or leave early at random because 'stuff isn't due yet.'

  • bliznutty0

    Here’s my input in a nutshell!

    I am actually tasked with helping lead an agile environment implementation for our development team. Here are some key practices for an organization to be more collaborative, productive, interactive, and overall happier:

    1. Open workspace - remove cubicles
    a. This encourages collaboration/communication amongst departments - talk aloud!
    b. This also keeps everyone in tune with the overall view of business as it relates to each person’s specific tasks
    c. Encourages simplicity.
    i. Real communication over email/IM
    ii. Need help? Get it now! Ask your co-worker now! Facilitates workflow.
    2. Informative Workspace
    a. Make Product/Project release schedules, logs, etc. visible to entire team
    i. Put Burn-down charts up on the wall for everyone to see
    ii. Have development tasks/process visible and interactive
    1. Index cards (per task) / Bulletin Boards
    2. Task board organized by development phase and in line with release schedule(s)
    3. Board is constantly updated by team
    4. Success can be measured!
    3. Reward yourself/your team.
    a. Meet a release or a deadline? Finish the day’s tasks successfully? Reward!
    b. Immediate recognition of work always! Both in management tactics and in workflow process!
    c. Get creative with this!
    i. Fresh baked cookies
    ii. Game of foosball
    iii. 2 hours of comp time, etc
    4. Ensure quality!
    a. Nothing is unhealthier than doing bad work and not caring.
    b. You are healthy when your work is healthy and process is healthy!
    i. Solve your problems through intelligence, planning, and design!
    ii. Care about your work. Encourage active over passive.

    • This is actually a pretty good list bliznutty. thanksGucci
    • I disagree with 1. Too many distractions that way. Plus it's so hard to pick your nose or lift your leg 'just so' to cut a fart.mg33
  • Randd0

    same room with me: unhealthy (I yell a lot)

    • you're right too, thats the only way people will ever truly realise your penis is larger than theirs...jimzyk
  • alicetheblue0

    ha I thought you meant "healthy" as in in "green" environment.

    I work in an "open plan" small agency that is like KINKO'S. With a huge mother of a printer constantly spewing out collated and stapled and coated
    material all day.

    We are in an open plan - old building - no ventalation and no temp control.

    yesterday it wa 30 degress celius (90 F?) Eveyone is so apathetic.... working in tank tops and shorts ... COUGHING
    and spewing (and its in Toronto Canada ...winter here)

    Is there not a LAW???? or at least a Sheriff in Town?

  • Jaline0

    I don't know, Gucci. Do you enjoy getting whipped? Because that answer will get to the truth of the matter.

    • i enjoy it//jimzyk
    • depends who's doing the whipping.Gucci
  • jimzyk0

    The whole 'Good Work' thing that bliznutty was on about is right. Producing Good Work really helps a good working environment i find. and vice-versa of course!

    People that have a negative attitude to their work, their job, things in general usually suck cock, and drag things down. they're not needed and I dont think will ever add to a team.. maybe im wrong...

    if people try to be somewhat more positive it usually helps keep things happy & healthy. I'm all for creative criticism, but just not with the constant negativity... (especially when people tend to say something negative, just for the sake of saying something) know what i mean?

  • bliznutty0

    one of my favs :)

    • so to sum that up:
      -lots of company perks.
      -respect the individual.
      -small motivate, creative teams in an "engaging" environment. killer!
  • _salisae_0

    No one has mentioned dog friendly office .. Makes a lot of difference to me.

  • AndyRoss0

    Having a workplace where you can fucking swear, out loud, without fear of some kind of PC fear, is vitally important.

  • mg330

    I've been at my new job for about 1 1/2 months now, it's a web technology/software/web design and development company for the most part, only serving law firms. As some of you know, I was at a law firm for 5 years in Marketing before this job.

    The things that have been high on my list of healthy, enjoyable things at the new job in comparison to the old:

    1. No hierarchy. Everyone feels equal - Services, developers, systems people, designers, product developers, managers, the VP. It's really a blast having come from a law firm where you feel like a minion unless you're an attorney.

    2. Love for your services/products - You must be behind your job, that's the bottom line. We make sophisticated, industry leading products for clients and for me it's great to go to work knowing our growth is great and feel like there's so much more to accomplish on top of what is already successful.

    3. Natural lighting - I worked in an interior room before with no outside light. I love now that I can look up and see out the windows from my cube, see other buildings downtown and hear the outside city noises.