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  • Drno

    Cacocallia (KAK-uh-KAL-shee-uh) - The paradoxical state of being ugly but at the same time sexually desireable.

    Sacifricosis (SAK-oh-fri-KOH-sis) - The practice of absentmindedly fiddling with your genetalia through your pants pockets. "playing pocket pool" or "pocket hockey"

    Eunoterpsia (YOO-noh-TURP-see-uh) - The doctrine that pursuing sexual pleasure is the goal of life.

    Krukolibidinous (KROO-koh-li-BID-i-nus) - Crotch-watching; having one's gaze fixated on the crotch.

    Zoanthropy (zoh-An-thruh-pee) - The delusion that one is an animal.

    copied from this site

  • detritus0

    /kɒk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kok] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    1. a male chicken; rooster.
    2. the male of any bird, esp. of the gallinaceous kind.
    3. Also called stopcock. a hand-operated valve or faucet, esp. one opened or closed by rotating a cylindrical or tapered plug having part of the passage pierced through it from side to side.
    4. (in a firearm)
    a. the part of the lock that, by its fall or action, causes the discharge; hammer.
    b. the position into which the cock, or hammer, is brought by being drawn partly or completely back, preparatory to firing.
    5. Slang: Vulgar.
    a. penis.
    b. sexual relations with a man.
    6. a weathercock.
    7. aleader; chief person.
    8. Chiefly British Informal. pal; chum.
    9. British Slang. nonsense.
    10. Horology. a bracketlike plate holding bearings, supported at one end only. Compare bridge1 (def. 17).
    11. Archaic. the time of the crowing of the cock; early in the morning; cockcrow.
    –verb (used with object)
    12. to pull back and set the cock, or hammer, of (a firearm) preparatory to firing.
    13. to draw back in preparation for throwing or hitting: He cocked his bat and waited for the pitch.
    14. to set (a camera shutter or other mechanism) for tripping. Compare trip1 (def. 28).
    –verb (used without object)
    15. to cock the firing mechanism of a firearm.

    [Origin: bef. 900; ME cock, OE cocc; c. ON kokkr; orig. imit.]

    —Related forms
    cocklike, adjective

  • skt0


    1. Drno

  • Drno0


    Boudin blanc
    A white sausage made of pork without the blood. In some versions, the sausage is made from a milk or pork rice dressing, much like dirty rice, only more moist, stuffed into pork casings. Pork liver and heart meat are typically included. Rice is more frequently used in Cajun cuisine, whereas the French version tends to use milk, and is therefore generally more delicate than the Cajun variety. Although the sausage wrap is edible, the stuffing is sometimes squeezed out of one end. In French cuisine, the sausage is sauteed or grilled. In Cajun cuisine another popular variant is crawfish boudin, made with the meat of crawfish tails added to rice. It is often served with cracklins (fried pig skins) and saltine crackers, hot sauce, and ice cold beer. Boudin Blanc dressing is also used to make Boudin balls. The dressing is not stuffed into a casing but formed into a ball, rolled in breading and deep fat fried, similar to the Italian arancini.

    Boudin noir
    A dark-hued French blood sausage or Cajun sausage containing pork, rice, pig blood, and other ingredients.

    Boudin rouge
    In Louisiana cuisine, a sausage similar to boudin blanc, but with pork blood added to it. It originated from the French boudin noir.

    • Tiens, voila du boudin, voila du boudin, voila du boudin.
      Pour les Alsaciens, les Suisses et les Lorrains.
      Pour les Belges, il n'y en a plus, Pour les Belges, il n'y en a plus.
      Ce sont des tireurs au Cul;
      Pour les Belges, il n'y en a plus,
      Ce sont des tireurs au cul.
      Nous sommes des degourdis, nous sommes Des lascars.
      Des types pas ordinaires,
      Nous avon souvent notre cafard,
      Nous sommes des Legionnaires.
    • ...Des types pas ordinaires,
      Nous avon souvent notre cafard,
      Nous sommes des Legionnaires.
  • emecks0

    don't come easy??

  • capsize0

    In "Woodstock Nation", Hoffman mentions the incident, and says he was on a bad LSD trip at the time.