Speakerdog's Grotto

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  • fi_and_ben

    Speakerdog and Santa team up!

    Sit down, relax and take it easy this christmas! Make yourself a cup of tea and do your Christmas shopping Speakerdog stylee! No crowds, no lamo christmas music, just you and lots of super stuff to buy for your special friends and family!

    To get into the spirit of christmas we have added some special new prints and products to the www.Buybentheillustrator.com store! Plushies, Custom Vinyl, Postcards, Badge sets, Superduper Sized Posters and heaps more!

    Plus! For all orders over £20 you will recieve a surprise set of badges, and for orders over £50 you will recieve a surprise World Lovin' Poster, all with love from Speakerdog!

    ho ho ha ha!