Looking for a road bike...

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  • dewilde

    I am looking to get a road bike but I don't know anything about them. I am 5'10", 190lbs, live in Seattle (so I'll need to weather some pretty nasty roads) light green eyes (for you ladies out there). I have a hookup on a K2 Enemy...good bike? I am not going to race or anything, I just want something that I can cruise on faster than my mtn bike. If anyone has suggestions for me...or info in general, I am a clean slate, teach me.

  • madirish0

    what type of riding are you looking to do (aside from the weather)?

    do you have a price point you want to match?

    sounds weird i bet, but it is much more efficient to attack the thing this way, rather than by brand. everyone basically makes a bike you could 'cruise on'.

  • dewilde0

    Pretty mellow riding, around the city, lots of hills and stuff though. I don't have a lot to spend (and I don't necesarily need a new bike either), ideally under $700. I mentioned K2 because I can get a pretty hefty discount on all their bikes. I am also wondering if I would be better off just getting an older one through craigslist or someting, or get a nice new one while I can get the discount on a K2 bike.