Moment of ..obscurity

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  • Mojo

    I was chasing debts this afternoon, and sent the following email to one of my grumpier, late-paying clients.

    Thought I'd share it with you:


    Hope things are going well for you with LameCompanyName. I do check the site occasionally, and have mentioned it to the odd person looking for a job. Good to see lots of job entries on there. How are things going? Does Mat still work with you on the project since he's got his new job? I presume he got his job through the site.

    And now to the boring part, and main purpose, of this email: Invoices.

    I have attached the two bills currently due. I apologise for not chasing these up closer to their date, but I've only just realised one of them was unpaid. We discussed the other invocie previously. The invoices are attached as PDF files. I'd appreciate if you could pay these as soon as possible - you can pay by BACS transfer or by cheque if you'd prefer. If you have lost account/address details, let me know and I will forward them asap.

    Please pay bills due within 30 days, or I'll blow up Planet Earth with my scale replica Death Star.

    Warmest regards,


  • skt0

    *golf clap

  • madirish0

    does marisa know about this?