Police Blotter

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  • blackfrancis

    I'm becoming obsessed with reading my hometown's Police Blotter in the local paper online. You can't make some of that shit up. Anyone else have some good ones from where they're from?.

    From: The State (Columbia SC)

    Clemson Avenue, 5000 block. Two 14-year-old boys were arrested at noon Wednesday after starting a fight in a school cafeteria. Witnesses said one boy approached the other and accused him of talking about the first boy. The accusing teen wanted to set up a time for the two to fight after school, but the accused youth reportedly said they could settle the matter immediately. Both were charged with disturbing schools and released to their parents’ custody.

  • zombiewoof0

    Cash, porn stolen from adult store

    An adult novelty store in Ypsilanti Township was burglarized early Thursday morning, according to police reports.
    Washtenaw County Sheriff's deputies responded to a burglar alarm at the Velvet Touch, 2485 E. Michigan Ave., at about 3:45 a.m. and found a smashed front window, reports said. Cash and miscellaneous pornographic magazines were reported stolen.

    ....too funny. the velvet touch....

  • grunttt0

    regarding the first story - it's a damn shame that police are brought in on a good ol' school yard scrap. That's what kids are supposed to do. In this day of gun violence they should be commended.

  • k0na_an0k0

    if i had a dollar for everytime my name came up on a police blotter i'd have about 7 dollars.

    my grandmother (god bless her) had a police scanner when we were kids, it would intercept any and all police radio frequencies and you could listen in to calls, she would have it on all day, everyday in the background at the house.

    4x after getting arrested or questioned by the cops by the time i called my parents the one who answered the phone would say 'yep we know, your mother/father is on their way and you are in deep shit.'

    ugh. i used to hate that fuckin scanner.

  • grunttt0

    lol kona.

  • k0na_an0k0


    the last time was quite a few years ago soon after i got my first cell phone.

    halfway through the incident with mr police officer my cell phone starts ringing, i talked the cop into letting me answer it and it was my mom. 'ARE YOU GETTING ARRESTED?!?! JESUS CHRIST.... HOW MUCH AND WHERE (bail)?!?'

    haha. the cop was like 'what's worse, going to jail or going home?' i told him going home would be worse and he let me off with a warning for having beer in the car. he of course 'disposed of' the beer... = kept it.

    fuck. those were the days.

  • Complexfruit0

    Love the stories. kona you remind me of a friend of mine who always tells great stories.

  • k0na_an0k0

    is your friend a highly functional mentally handicapped mute?

    if not he's the arnold to my devito in the movie twins.

  • Complexfruit0

    haha that's a negative good buddy. 10-4 over.

    *goes 10-100


  • k0na_an0k0

    hahaha... now i got myself thinking back to all the times i got arrested.

    when i was in high school a couple of us guys would get together with a ton of beer and trek back deep into the woods to camp out and get wasted well away from the cops.

    on night we took out a bunch of fireworks and got really roudy. it had been raining all day and into the night but we didn't care, we were drunk.

    the next morning we're hiking back out and as we get about a half mile from our cars we see a cop car stuck in the mud, then another, about a hundred yards more there's another. as we're laughing our asses off we see a fourth car by our trucks and there are 4 cops standing there, completely covered in mud head to toe. they're like 'FREEZE' and come running after us. we froze. they were fukin pissed and pretty much threw us to the ground. i guess they tried a couple times to come into the woods and find us but their cars kept getting stuck. to avoid complete humiliation they decided to wait it out until morning, hopefully when things dried up. luckily for us we drank everything we had and left it in a garbage bag we'd come back for later back at camp and had shot off all the fireworks. they had nothing on us. the fuckers made us help push/pull their cars out of the mud with the 4x4 trucks we had. fuckin nuts. everyone was covered in mud and by the time it was all over we were all laughing our asses off about it. haha.