Peepee X Vajaja

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  • D_Dot

    Anyone ever see the cock like 'A' and the vagina like 'E' in the Axe logo? or am I just reaching here.

  • v-gates0

    Almario of embustes, falsario, (liar), animal, atrevido (dared), baja canalla (villain), belitre (stupid), bellaco (rascal), bellacuelo, bergante (rascal), cobarde (coward), descompuesto, deslenguado (insolate), depositario of will lie, desuellacaras (rascal), embelecador (cajolor), faquín (boor), fementido (false bottom), follón (dirty), gañán (lout), hideperro, hideputa, hijo of puta (wire of whore), infacundo (contained), infame (infamous), ignorant, inventor of maldades, ladrón (robber), majadero (idiotic), malandrín, maldicente, maldito (cursed), badly mirado, mentecato (stupid), monstruo of the naturaleza, murmurador (scandalmonger), pazpuerca (salts), prevaricador LED buen lenguaje, publicador of sandeces, puto, quimerista (chimerical), ruin, will sacapotras (puller), sandio (cretin), silo of bellaquerías, soez, (coarse), traidor (treacherous), traidor blasfemo, traidor escrupuloso, cheap (low), villano.


    hmmm.... its does look like it... but i would have never seen it