another bombing
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- 32 Responses
- tank02
Bombings in Baghdad kill 164
Insurgent bombers launch a series of attacks across Baghdad, killing at least 164 people and wounding scores -- a particularly violent day in a bloody capital city enduring sectarian warfare and an aggressive government crackdown against insurgents.
- Nairn0
Sssh, we're still mourning the 30-odd young westerners who were so tragically cut down in the prime of their life the other day.
- ********0
wait, what, google has email now?
- kelpie0
they're thinking of adding a chat feature.
- ********0
more people in the wrong place at the wrong time.
- Nairn0
I somehow doubt this thread will garner 500+ responses.
- ********0
many iraq threads did, as far as i can remember. but then, they were not about iraq.
- TheBlueOne0
Will Diane Sawyer be meeting with the families of all 164 slain in a giant town hall meeting setting with a somber Dr. Phil giving grief counseling ? Will there be a candle vigil and stuffed animals placed on the site by grieving Americans horrified by the violence?
Yeah. Nope.
- robotron3k0
horrible, how do those people in washington even sleep.
- k0na_an0k0
I can see that as both a good and bad thing theblueone
- Nairn0
*picks fight with Witt in a futile attempt to keep the ball rolling on this one.
- jaybee0
sorry....but fuck baghdad
- Nairn0
Yaay! A reasoned response.
- ********0
thanks for steppin in Jaybee. I wouldn't wanto to fight Nairn.
- ********0
fuck paris? is that bad?
i love france.
- IRNlun60
Dr. Phil will be heading to Baghdad to speak about video game violence and how it's running society...
- Concrete0
more people in the wrong place at the wrong time.
(Apr 18 07, 08:36)Most of the middle-east is a wrong place all of the time.
- IRNlun60
- jaybee0
no probs....i can fight anyone
- TheBlueOne0
What happened at VT was horrible and tragic, but this shit is a daily occurance in Baghdad under US occupation. And it's the slaughter of innocents, not combatants. On American TV we see nothing of this. Fuck I'd be happy if we saw the same media machine fawning over one, ONE, dead American GI (let alone a slain Iraqi civilian) and his family as is displayed over the victims of the VT tragedy. Hey we lose a guy a day over there on about telling his story and talk to his grieving family on national morning TV? (Rhetorical and cynical question)
But hey, you know, keep your eye on the prize..gotta head to the mall and shop..I hear the new iPhone will be out soon..and oh yeah, vote for American Idol...
- ********0
hey, i'm not afraid of Nairn
it's just that it's 17.30 and i'm leaving now!