< Advertising borrowing

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  • Arvizu

    I think this is not only acceptable, it's refreshing. Too often, creatives in advertising cannabalize their own industry, that is to say, they rip off each others ideas. Obviously the art director for the Honda ad had seen and was inspired by the contemporary art piece. If more creatives in advertising would get to more art exhibitions, we'd probably have better ads (like the Honda spot.) It's nice to be inspired, why shouldn't that hold true for creatives? Go look at more art, it could be the catalyst for your next great design...

  • walkman0

    I enjoyed both of those.

    the concept is loose enough (and common enough) to say that it's not stealing.

    I mean everybody has set up domino chains...

    when I was a kid my cousin and I took over the whole house... we created a huge domino chain reaction using anything we could find that would work....

    not as elaborate as these - but same idea.