< Battles
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- 29 Responses
- woodyBatts
- e-pill0
a different kind of battle:
- build0
Good innit.
- e-pill0
really good!! we love tim!!
- Concrete0
Saccenti has skills to pay the bills!
- jondj240
dopeness. Battles are the truth.
- timajick0
Thank you!
Better quality version here:
- jondj240
thanks Tim.
- pascii0
great work - i'm very very very impressed!
- jondj240
by the way,
we need you to shoot Prefuse 73 (you familiar?)...he needs some new & better shots and i know you'd do him well.
- timajick0
by the way,
we need you to shoot Prefuse 73 (you familiar?)...he needs some new & better shots and i know you'd do him well.
(Mar 1 07, 07:24)Yes, yes and yes thank you!
- jondj240
yeah, noticed you shot some of his label mates...i'll send your site over.
I think he'll appreciate the aesthetic you did for Bon Savants & TV on the Radio.
be well. and again awesome work!
Hell, maybe Warp could set you up to do his video for the next album.
- Ampersanderson0
I second that! would fit perfectly w/ Prefuse
- Retro0
great song and an awesome clip.
- tny0
- 78robots0
Love Battles! Can't wait for this new record.
- build0
Tim really ain't all that.
- harlequino0
Omg, I went to college with the singer, Tyondai. Haha!
Go Ty!
- dopepope0
Wow. Really, really nice. Seriously. Tim's becoming quite the director. Very impressive. Can't wait to see more!
- Nairn0
Good shit - an actually original, engaging video - it rocks too! Not something I see much of these days.
s'Curious though, the Battles EP I uploaded last year was the least downloaded FMT I've submitted - where were all you guys then?!