hejz navigation
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- 18 Responses
- ********0
hehe I just requested it on template monster
- ********0
just what I'm saying... they build all these complicated hideous template sites and sell them really cheap. Somebody could build a useful one and sell it for a lot more
- version30
rand, sounds template monsterish
- ********0
I'm just judging by all the people that buy slideshow pro, etc, which you can't customize near enough. Plenty of designers aren't actionscript geniuses but would like to have that kind of functionality available on their site. And it seems stupid to have to build from the ground up when it's already been done so many times.
- Hewmiri0
you're crying out for sure. don't know about the world though. I, for one, like to make my own sites. it's fun.
- ********0
the world is crying out for a customizable portfolio template of that ilk. Why does no one make one available? Every designer in the world would buy it
- version30
could somebody give me code for somethinga bit like this, so it all loads from xml, and make it so I can change fonts, positioning of elements, size of jpegs, etc? I'll pay for it
(Feb 19 07, 15:14)ask http://stolen.la
they built something like that for 72 & sunny
- ********0
it would save a lot of time if it was.
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it doesn't have to be him
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"I don't generally code in flash, but I know my way around actionscripting. This is just a little advance for my skills."
Well, the kirupa tutorial would be a good place to start. It has the basics in there. Moving a movie clip based on the relative position of the cursor.
If you can start by getting a simple rectangle to move as required, then you are effectively done. Just swap that rectangle for a movie clip full of your thumbnails.
- ********0
He already told you no Rand.
- ********0
could somebody give me code for somethinga bit like this, so it all loads from xml, and make it so I can change fonts, positioning of elements, size of jpegs, etc? I'll pay for it
- mr7400
I won't be paying anyone for this, thanks, just looking for some additional direction.
I don't generally code in flash, but I know my way around actionscripting. This is just a little advance for my skills.
Any genuine help is appreciated.
- ********0
I'm not telling him to quit version4, but if he wants something like that in his portfolio now, without understanding AS it isn't going to happen.
Unless someone does it for him.
It isn't a just a few keyframes and some getURL's.
I would suggest starting with the basics. Get a book, go through some tutorial sites.
- version30
mr740, keep trying, only pay someone if you like quitting.
reminds me of the reboot stuff from years past
- ********0
Well, if you can't code flash, I would advise against coding a flash menu until you can code flash.
Or pay someone to do it for you.
- mr7400
well, that's kinda the problem, I'm not super at actionscripting. The site will be a xhtml/flash hybrid, so the pages the flash will be linking to will be static html pages. I'm not too worried about the linking aspect, just the functionality of the scrolling and the details working together.
Thanks for the link, btw.
- ********0
Not exactly what you want but I assume that if your attempting to build something like that you can code flash.
This should give you enough to take apart and put back togethor into something that works for you.
- mr740
Hi. Long time no type. Hope everyone's well.
I'm making a demo reel site, and I want to use the scrolling navigation style this guy uses.
A continuous wrap around scroll where when on the roll over, the details of the project display below the navigation.
I've been searching around here and the innernets for the past week, even contacted the hejz dude for some direction, but haven't gotten much.
Any help from you geniuses would be much appreciated.