Don't ever apply to Apple

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  • alacran

    not that you ever would but I just wanted to warn anyone and everyone that it is a HUGE waste of your time and cellphone minutes...
    Let me explain...first they call you and interview you on the phone for 64 minutes...second they have another person call you and talk to you for half an hour...thirdly they have you go to the furthest location in your state and interview with disinterested and disorganized managers who do tagteam interviews and tell you that you are in the wrong interview. fourthly you present them with the printed email clarifying that you have actually shown up 3 minutes early...fifthly you never hear from them again and even after repeated calls to them no responses- they don't even return your reel that they were so anxious to have left with them so the other interviewer bozo who walked in late could watch it afterwards since he missed it. So...I guess I am actually very fortunate not to have to work for them. Thanks for listening and letting me vent.

  • Gucci0

    good thing they don't make computers or something important like that, or we'd all be fuc.......

    ..............wait a minute.

  • ninjasavant0

    I have friends that work there, the process wasn't any worse than any other company I've interviewed with in the bay area.