helvetica film..bunch a frauds
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- 8 Responses
- NegativeSpace0
These guys are pretty frustrating. Ordered a poster there on March 25th and it still hasn't arrived, nor have they replied to my emails. It sucks too that shipping was 10 bucks. YWFT charges roughly the same for shipping and my stuff arrives within a couple days (in Canada).
- Jaline0
That has happened to me before. I paid for a t-shirt from a store and they never replied to any of my emails or anything. I made a complaint to Paypal after about one month, and I got my t-shirt one week later. Then I took back my complaint.
I'm not sure if contacting Paypal and getting my t-shirt have an correlation though.
- Jaline0
Exactly, NegativeSpace.
Shipping is even more. Sometimes I wait longer, since it's Canada, but longer than 3 weeks is pretty bad.
- NegativeSpace0
Yeah for sure.
I am pretty patient, but for examplee: my last YWFT order was on Monday morning. The package is already in Windsor and will be here for tomorrow morning. Versus, the 3 weeks I have waited for this poster (and who knows how much longer).
- tank0
thx jersey,
i don't mind that it takes so long,
its they are totally not replying to my e- mails, its quite rude..
No, please wait...
Until "Comic Sans: the history of the most unloved font ever" is released.
- de4k0
I'm wearing my Helv tee now...
oh wait,
it's my Arial shirt.
- JerseyRaindog0
I got one. Did take over 4 weeks to get here though...