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  • 32 Responses
  • version30

    i'm completely happy buying mp3s for cheap, the quality is worth it hands down

    I know my taxes go into killing other countries people, economies etc, you're ot going to make me feel bad buying cheap mp3s in the whole scheme of things

    walker, you want some money? will that make you feel better? then you're just as bad as the problem. the artists of yesteryear did it for the expression, not the pay off. but fuck it, if you're that needy, give me some paypal info, i'll donate.

    i hope i don't like your music or ever figure out what it is because your attitude has made me decide to never listen to it again if ever. you better not be a placebo member, otherwise I'll be pissed.

    You want your profits? be REAL good and geed a label with distribution.

    Besides, if you're only on vinyl, you're limiting your market anyway. blame yourself before you blame a system promoting your work

  • version30


  • ants0

    hey version4 can you design and make my website for free?

    I'll tell everyone you did it and how cool you are.

    I know you just do it because you love it anyway... :) Thanks in advance!

  • Rand0

    V4, when you get the chance could you send me any actionscript you think I might be able to use to build websites with?

  • mocaloca0

    I have used allofmp3 for months, never had any issue. Lately you cannot use CC from this url but you can if purchase using alltunes, same deal.

    My father is a musician and I am all for paying artist for their music if the money was actually going to them.

    This is 2007, label companies and artists must come up with a new business model that involves new technology and not the overpriced music we have been forced to buy in the past.

    Using "the mob" site is CONVINIENT. Bit torrent and all that other P2P stuff is just too much screwing around..

  • Rand0

    I use emusic

  • version30

    hey version4 can you design and make my website for free?

    I'll tell everyone you did it and how cool you are.

    I know you just do it because you love it anyway... :) Thanks in advance!
    (Jan 28 07, 14:49)

    no but if you rip the work i've done for a client there's really nothing i can do about it, now is there? Which is closer to the same comparison. see how allofmp3 isn't requesting new work, just taking existing? but good try

  • cram0

    well, okay... thanks for the discussion. i think that i am not going to send them my cc info. makes me too nervous.

    however, i read somewhere that even from itunes, the artist only gets 11 cents from the 99. apple gets 37 and the record company gets the rest. now that sucks. 99 cents is too much for one file. should be 50 or less. when are we going to see the record companies cut out of this?

  • walker0

    wow, version4, i'm not sure where to start with a response to your post... i'm hoping that you can at least agree that if anyone should be making money of an artistic product, it should at the very least be the artist him/her-self.
    i actually agree with your whole "artists shouldn't live off their art, down with the elite arts bullshit" - but that aside, it just doesn't seem fair that people from a russian website are making money from selling my music when: A.) i have not given my approval and B.) I do not receive any money from it - not even a percentage or royalties.
    It amazes me that there are people out there - like yourself I guess - that don't see a fundamental problem with this... regardless of your stance on people profiting from their art, or how evil the big record companies are... they're just stealing my shit - and, and this is the big difference between people who just download music for free - they are actually MAKING money off stealing. That seems like something that everyone could agree on.... especially on this board.
    Sheesh! we're all designers here (mostly) who either make a living from their art & design, or at least hope to. Now you're telling me that if someone ripped off a peice of work of yours - pretended that they had your permission - and then proceeded to MAKE money from it, you would not think there is "something" wrong with that?

    BTW, what's a "placebo member"?

  • mg330

    the transactions take place in the Netherlands and are approved by all major CC verification companies. I have never had any worries with it.

  • version30

    wow, version4, i'm not sure where to start with a response to your post...

    (Jan 28 07, 18:08)

    first off, i've never seen your name here, i would highly suggest you take little to nothing i say seriously as I pick, poke, and prod at people by delivering the polar opposite of what they say.

    while i feel for your situation, i just don't care as much as you'd like.

    yes it sucks others are profiting from your efforts while you are not, however some of the work i do is bought once, then edited (poorly) and redistributed by others simply changing colors and what not. So i can see where my work (because the div names, attributes, and order remain identical) is being recycled and resold without my consent or profit.

    I could cry wolf and post rip threads but fuck it, it's the nature of the interbeast. so while you write songs and I write css, we are both being robbed. the difference is I waste no effort in complaining but more so put that effort to finding new, hopefully more respectful clients.

    I have nothing against you personally, I just like to complain. In a perfect world, we would both be paid properly for our work, i just know this world is not perfect, so i roll with it.

    Sadly for you, buying music from allofmp3 makes that roll easier for me.

    I know other money I spend goes to more horrible things, the only way to guarantee I do not support anything illegal is not to spend money. However, that is not an option.

    Placebo is a band, a band you are obviously not a member of. ;)

  • CyBrain0

    All controversy aside. I've been using, and for a year and a half.

    No problems from any of those sites.

    I'm also not convinced that companies that break Russian copyright laws are funding terrorism and heroin trafficing.