crit my stuff
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- 36 Responses
- tank02
i'm making some video stuff
for a fashion is the first 20 sec.
- stewart0
filter undistort
- version30
i like faster, jerkier interference
- rasko40
speed it up lots, way too slow.
- rasko40
ya ditto
- version30
ooooh, then desatuate those colors, add some vignetting and gaussian blur it all together
- tank020
i kno, still have t receive all the images to animate the dynamic stuff...this is uhm the base...
i'm just worried about about the avant garde, it just fits the topic so well...
thx for the feedback.
- tank020
thx v4
- version30
ive got 2 flattened psds that i think you could multiply or overlay on that to make it age appropriate.
if you want them, i'll email a zip over to you
- version30
also, if you are worried about the typeface, watch some of the commercials found on openvideo for for examples or even ask typographica
- tank020
ey cool version.
using now bad tv filter frm tinderbox, not rightly tweaked jet tho.
- version30
- version30
just sent a bonus too, cuz we're both so awesome :)
- tank020
i thought about it,
gonna do it now like this…
keep in mind,
space lift soundtrack has to be added- and bad tv effect plus photgrpahic material..but has a start...the song is also more fitting..
- version30
i liked yesterdays better, but it's hard to tell as you described the changes you are anticipating, maybe have the past text that is spinning out of view slowly fade away so as to bring more attention to the text spinning into place.
also, looks like your top aging layer is a little off, you can see the line across the top of unaffected pixels
- tank020
id its off, but u dont see that on the old tv...
the safe title aspect...
thx for the input version,
much appreciated.
- version30
yeah i knew it was well outside the safe range, i'm just particular like that, can't wait to see it closer to completion
- tank020
haha me to,
buts in an in between assignment.
after girlfriend is a fashion designer, its for her collection.its nice to work on tho...
- chossy0
Shift the fields, to create ghosting or bad signal termination, use (if in AE) offset and set the blend value to between 30 and 50 then jerk it around a bit. This will add to the overall effect. As it stands it loooks animated unlike proper termination problems.