those darn emo kids
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- 35 Responses
- ********0
ah. you probably are focused on the socks :)
- Jaline0
that black hair dye is blacker than natural black, which is why it looks more fake than it already does.
- ********0
ok. i wish i could read that "deep reads" box.
- Jaline0
deep red?
- ********0
huh? you lost me.
- Jaline0
I thought you were talking about a hair colouring box, haha.
- Jaline0
I see what you mean now.
- ********0
probably not a "box" in english.
- ********0
emo is so removed from it's original context. It started way back in the music scene with bands like quicksand and hot water music. It is a totally different monster now.
- cosmo0
Jaline hates emos.
- mpfree0
Jimmy Ate The World
Now fucking go away please
- Jaline0
I don't hate all emo kids. Just those that are excessively whiny and wear way too much makeup. Some is ok, but Gerard Way goes too far. I don't understand why lots of girls love him. So fug. Also, I hate Brandon Flowers from The Killers (their music isn't bad - just the lead singer because he's really emo with how he goes after other singers and gets into petty fights about things only emos would get upset about).
(Dec 20 06, 20:10)
- RobotGunslinger0
I still don't get this emo thing.
are all kids who listen do alternative music (which does not inclued my chemical romence) considered emo or is it really just those jet black haired whining kids?
- chossy0
My chemical romance rule you ponces, the ghost of me and helena are a pair of fucks of tunes. Who gives a spunk what type of music it is the tunes rule like a mo fo.