fashion question

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  • bunnicula

    Does anyone know how much a fashion stylist makes starting salary ....their job descriptions...yada yada

    my friend wants to get into such and is totally lost.....thank in advance ....

  • PonyBoy0

    like anything else in the creative field... the money and responsibility will come with experience... and talent.

    I worked for a fashion mag for a couple years... dealing w/all diff. levels of stylists... from the 'local stylists/make-up artist' combos to your 'I dressed Katie for the Oscars and my name is pronounced 'Taawd'... not 'Todd' types... :)

    ... in the end - it comes down to talent and experience... and then your network (who you know)...

    ... the job description varies (as I sarcastically alluded to above)... some take on more than just 'dressing the model'. There's hair and make-up... then there's jewelry and accessories (sometimes a stylist ONLY does this)... then there's the person who does it all - including the cut lines and descripts for the magazine/editorial peice... hob-knobbing w/designers and Dept. Stores to score clothes for a shoot etc...

    ... lots of facets to the field - I'd advise telling them to visit a fashion magazine or a fashion photographer... or a modeling agency to get his/her foot in the door/get in contact w/actual stylists in her area to really get a feel for the $$/descripts etc...

    ... hope that helps some. :)