Stan Peach

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  • 4 Responses
  • Stan

    Hi, I've been plugging my site on here for a few weeks now for my clothing label (with a comic back story). I was wondering if I could get some feedback for the site / whole brand idea and see what you think. Check

  • 23kon0

    stan, i started a thread on the PVN a wee while back asking what the Stan Peach thing was all about. think we were all a bit perplexed with what the story behind the whole thing was.

    'search' "stan peach"

  • Stan0

    Ah, sorry for missing that!
    Stan Peach is basically a clothing label. An ethical one. All the clothing is organic and fairtrade and handprinted (so it's very limited). As well as the T-Shirts there's the comic back story that goes with it. It's not a totally linear story being told more like each comic sets a scene. This will grow and hopefully give the brand a very unique 'story'. Think of it as 'a bit like Gorillaz, but clothing'.

  • lofielectronic0
  • kidswift-0

    Well Stan you have def made a mark on NT not altogether a positive one as I do recollect the stop or f**k off stan peach thread some days ago but still i think that was more in retaliation to the number of posts going up and some members seeing this as spam perhaps?

    Anyway that is aside I think you have definitely established a brand of what still remains unclear to me, the initial cartoons i saw gave me no information and frankly didn't inspire me to come back. Unfortunately people have very short attention spands so unless you are really inspiring interest or handing them the concept on a plate people will generally not come back. Sadly I feel you are not quite hitting the mark here. I like the sp logo but not the head and personally wouldn't buy a tshirt with that logo but hey thats just me and as i can see from your site you have sold out so good skillz man cause there are def people out there that do like and have bought it. I think you really need to explore what it is you are all about you say your trying to be the clothing version of the gorrilaz hmmm i just don't see it. Kudos on having all your designs on ethically sourced and produced t-shirts def a big big plus however be careful claiming they are fairtrade when you do not have there accreditation (by the way a real bitch to get for small producers, instead just go with the ethical aspect) Good luck.

    My 3p