American Stationery

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  • 2 Responses
  • Baskerville0

    I've done letterheads for both american and european companies (not to mention asian).

    There is never any set gsm weight got a letterhead, it can be whatever you want. It could be 300gsm if you wanted (which would be stupid). As long as it can go through a printer, it's really about how much the client wants to pay and what quality they want to project.

    Last stationery I did, we used 120gsm worldwide (we used one globally available paper source)

  • ian0

    Ah Baskerville, I thought it was fine. I specced a 100 gsm paper and was sure it would be fine for both Ireland and US (as its not too heavy to go through printers etc). Perfect.

    The papers fine and they aren't afraid to spend some cash so its all good. just didnt want to spec a paper then be told it would be useless!
