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- tank
arrived on saturday.
cs2 runs better than my quad G5
after effects...feels like almost real time rendering
final cut runs very slick.there you have it.
awesome machine.
- republik80
- tank0
yeah i was getting afraid of all the negative posting, that adobe runs bad...but it runs really well.
- torres0
that's good to hear. I was going to hold out until the native versions were released but it doesn't sound like that's necessary.
Have you tried running Flash?
- nowgocreate0
I've got the 2.6ghz with 2gb of ram. The only real noticeable performance drops occurs when switching apps. I'm guessing because it's at this point when the Rosetta emulating is triggered. Cinema 4d and AE7 work wonderfully, Photoshop and Flash are a little chuggy when you are tabbing between the two. But once you enter the environment everything is smooth sailing.
- ********0
Have a MacPro 2.6ghz with 2gb of ram here at work as well. Work in CS2 all day and no negative to say about it. i do miss all the nice small apps that is not rewritten to Intel yet.
- Chief0
Enter response:Have a MacPro 2.6ghz with 2gb of ram here at work as well. Work in CS2 all day and no negative to say about it.
(Sep 18 06, 06:51)ditto, but i was coming from a 1ghz 17" PB, i would think it'd be faster. cs3 is going to be crazy fast on this thing.
making the switch to intel is like the whole switch to osX. the only downside in both is/was waiting for the software to catch up. hopefully cs3/ae8 will be 64bit and designed to utilize multiple cores more efficiently.
- traut0
Ya my Macbook pro 2.6 w/ 2gb ram is wonderful machine only thing i have a problem with is the intense heat im worried about it.
- restlessdesign0
Anyone on here experiencing Random Shutdown Syndrome with their Macbook Pros? I'm holding off until Apple knows what the hell is going on with that (hopefully within the next few weeks when they launch the next generation MacBooks).
Ah well, I have a few months until I'll be needing to take it on interviews with me.
- Carty0
my friend has the mbp, and has shutdown issues.. seems to be associated with cs2..
glad the mac pro is a killer. will be getting that soon.
still on a pb g4 with 2gigs of ram.
- rafalski0
it's macbook that has RSS, not macbook pro afaik. and definitely not mac pro
- Chief0
there's talk of them releasing core 2 duo mbp's within the next week as they're holding a special event for photokina where the new version of aperture will be shown. i saw the macbooks for the first time yesterday in the store in atlanta and i must say, i didn't like them. maybe i'm jsut used to my 17"PB but they just seem too small, like the screen is just way too short. i dunno.
- rafalski0
smells like a recall.. it'll be a good time to buy apple stock then