Flash Set Desktop

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  • 3 Responses
  • mase

    Is it possible....

    ......to set up a button in flash that will export / resize the flash movie and display it in a new window so the user can set it is a desktop background - Or better still Flash sets it as the desktop background?

    Does the make sense?
    any help?

  • BONE0

    "......to set up a button in flash that will export / resize the flash movie and display it in a new window "
    (Jul 3 06, 23:26)

    -Yes thats possible, use Javascript to open new popup window

    "so the user can set it is a desktop background - Or better still Flash sets it as the desktop background?"

    - to set a swf file as desktop background needs special tools (e.g. flash wallpaper), and it is different between Mac/Pc. I am quite sure you cant do that on runtime.

  • ryoshu0

    There's no way to directly make a Flash image a background afaik. It's outside of Flash's sandbox.

    If it's a generative piece you need to process the Flash piece into a jpeg and have that display in a new window. I've done something like that using http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/ba…

    for Flash 7 (tricky). For Flash 8 you could use the BitmapData object to send the data to the server then feed that into a jpeg in the new window, but it can be slow depending on the image size. In Flash 9 the process is much faster.

  • mase0

    mmm interesting.

    I'd see something like it here....
    It's a lengthy process to go through tho, Basicly your questions determine your character of a different head body & legs - and you then get to download your 'personal' character as a desktop once youve logged in. I've just relised as I'm typing this that they've probably just done a desktop image for every possible combination.


    That Batik thing is over my head a bit, i'll check out the BitmapData thing - Gulp

    cheers chaps!