hosting fees

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  • 3 Responses
  • smltom

    Who generally manages hosting a site? If you arrange it do you charge a fee or mark up costs? We agreed that our client would arrange hosting but it ended up costing everyone time and money and has ultimately delayed launch and payment.

  • joyride0

    couple ways to do it. Just sign up an account in your customers name, billing goes to you. You mark up the price for your time. That's kinda standard.

    You can get your own server, (resellar, semi-dedicated, dedicated) and make money on each client, plus you don't really need to pay for your own sites. Clients hosting fees cover most costs. I personally have a resellar account, but make sure you get a reliable host or your clients will be calling you if shit goes down. Don't cheap out, go for quality of service & features

  • smltom0

    Thanks Joyride, that was the input I was looking for. I have no problem marking up the hosting services but the responsibility of site maintenance is up in the air. My question is what is the upfront value in setting up the account and handling the registration? Seems like a fair ammount of responsibility but experience has proven that there is value.

  • joyride0

    eh... I charge $15/month to my clients hosting. Pretty much middle of the road for cost. Havn't had anyone complain or leave. Usually they are coming from $25+/month plans so that seems like a bargin. As far as maintainance, I don't have to do server maintainance so no cost there. Site mainainance, i pad the cost of the site to cover the 1st year within reason. Any major changes I bill. But I use that 1st year to develope a yearly maintainance cost for after the 1st year. Most changes are less then 20 minutes and they do that on average 2 times a year. I bill that as customer service and don't bill em. I'll make money on hosting, redesigns and referals. treat em' well and they won't leave.
    just my 2ยข