dumb html/css Q?
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- 9 Responses
- Ginja
im trying to make the writting on a page have a background colour but its just making the whole P aragraph background change instead of just the bit behind the text, know what i mean.
how is that effect achieved please peps.
- version30
- joyride0
Just create a class in the css like this:
. highLighter {
background-image: url(../images/high Light.gif);
}then use a span tag in the html and it will only cover the text withing the span tag... make sense.
the sample above used an image as the background. Wanted to achieve an effect if you used a highligher on the text. But i would guess a background-color would work too.
- Ginja0
its not uploaded but you know what i mean right ?
- version30
i want a link or i'm not helping
yes i know what you mean
i'd rather edit your css and paste it in here
joyride was extremely nice writing that for you
- foreverwhatever0
just do a blahblahblah with only the text you want highlighted,
and youll have to create a seperate stylesheet. and the code you want to change the bg color is background-color:#000000;make any sense?
- version30
- foreverwhatever0
i meant, a span tag.
but it cut that out. span class="text" (minus the open/close brackets)
- vsc0
hello. maybe you're apllying class to the text container (div, td, p instead of a span-text-/span. that shouldn't happen.
- Ginja0
Thanks for all the help chappies, worked a treat.