my new appartment
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- 11 Responses
- Timson0
congrats, looks like a nice place. antwerp it is?
- tank0
antwerp, jes
at the st jozefstraat, near st lucas and a five minute walk from my work...
- Engage0
- tank0
ah jes , attik would be the studio..sorry about my typo james...
- Engage0
only messin'... thought blimey you got a good deal, getting all those photoshop layers in with the deal :)
- tank0
haha @ engage.
keep up the good work btw.
- rafalski0
Neat! I've been looking for a new place too, this time it has to be within 2 minutes from the sea.
- tank0
wow thats awesome rafalski,
i'm now moving out the 'snobby' part of antwerp and i'm quite happy about that...
- rafalski0
btw, what is the rent in Belgium (and other countries as well) these days? how much is a decent one bedroom apt in nice, but not too "snobby" area in a large city?
- tank0
i'm quite lucky in the way that i pay now 440 euros for the appt
- rafalski0
omg! you'd be happy that you only have to deal with flatmates, not roommates for this price in dublin!