well well
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- 17 Responses
- tank02
i'm 26 and i've got a starting alcer...and my back is fucked..and my eyes are hurtin' all the time.
why didn't i listnen to my dad, become a account son or a teacher...
- _salisae_0
an ulcer?
- mrdobolina0
take garlic pills for the ulcer, if it is just developing. It should help regulate your stomach acid.
- tank020
ej thx dobs.
just back from the doc..it sucks my health was always good.
- johannes0
what are the ulcer symptoms? I thought I was getting one for a while, but the pain eventually went away
- _salisae_0
drink juiced cabbage .. will cure it
and as far as your eyes go .. cut down on the toxic intake. they're directly affected by the state of your liver.
your body will heal you just have to be good to it.
- _salisae_0
i had an ulcer at i dunno 21 or so. lasted for two years until i discovered the cabbage juice cure. fucking painful it is.
- ********0
yea dont le tthe doc put you on a bunch of bills, I second cabbage juice ... and a walk or run here and there wont hurt
- mr_snuggles0
but the haircut is 3x dope, nigga...
- Point50
that sucks. I'm 32 and I don't have any work related health issues like that. I mean, when I get mad stressed out, I get sick sometimes, but that's about it.
- mr_snuggles0
I have many physical and psychological ailments directly attributed to clients and graphic design in general...
- ********0
so get a deck and get baudy
- emokid0
when i get mad, i smash cars.
- mr_snuggles0
- ********0
aren't a lot of ulcers caused by viruses?
- mrdobolina0
I have acid reflux, I take ranatidine daily. some days I skip it and eat a clove of garlic. All depending on if I am seeing your mom later or not.
- emokid0
i was trying to suggest smashing cars as a form of therapy for stress related ailments. although, ulcers are not really stress related as it was sugested in the 80s. so in conclusion, please don't pay attention to my suggestions.
- tkmeister0
i am healthy.