Immigration Protest

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  • 758 Responses
  • cruz_azul0

    complete opposite towards the illegal Chicanos
    (Apr 20 06, 10:25)

    I could not let this one pass .. hey Mr. MBA achicano is a Mexican American, which means he was born in the U.S , so that is an oxyMORON

  • PonyBoy0

    " but I was raised to help those in need and I was raised to never care about the color of a persons skin "

    Enter response:

    skin color, huh?... you haaaaad to go there again... didn't you.

    you were raised a certain way... blah blah blah... so was I! so was everyone else in this thread...

    ... but you're still skipping over the simple fact that this IS a big deal and that your blantant lack of respect for this fact is very pathetic... and dare I say... offensive?

    cruz... the fact is - YOU DID CUT IN LINE... when there are others over here legally... NT'ers at that (I won't name names... but just that you know you're pissing off more than just a few dumb american fellas in this thread)... that came to this country through the proper channels...

    ... some have had to deal w/the fear of losing their work visas etc... yet they continue to hang in there and follow the proper channels.

    hey cruz - I need heart surgery... for real - and I can't pay for it. I REALLY need it... and will have to find a way to get it in the next few years...

    ... would it be right of me - when there's a bunch more people in line also... who are paying their insurance etc... to 1.) cut in front of them... and demand they let me get my operation first... AND FREE OF CHARGE?

  • thinman0

    Chicano is a generalization, my apologies actually.

    Yes I do hold an MBA,
    Thank You, I'm a legal US Citizen, born to hard working caucasian parents.

    Great fucking memory! You should team up with Jaline. You'd make a great team.

    Halfwit + Halfwit = SmartWit

  • thinman0

    Although, Johnny Cash's 'Ring of Fire' wouldn't be the same without the Mariachi horn section.

    I'll give you that for contribution.

  • PonyBoy0

    yeehaw! my gran-pappy fought for the south in the civil war to keep them niggers on the plantations! i'm so proud of ma heritage!

    The United States invaded, conquered and ANNEXED half of Mexico. You people complaining that Spanish is becoming a second language in the US crack me up. Like the blood of the Anglo-Saxons is soaked in the Sierra Nevada. Sorry homes, but all the Texas black gold, California - the 7th biggest economiy in the world with its lucrative access to Asian markets - all o' dat was stolen by the Gringos down the barrel of a gun. They didn't take no citizenship test to steal half of Mexico! I guess it's all come full circle.

    The last two hundred years of US history has been preoccupied with beating down Latin America and the Gringos complain when the brown-skins come back lookin for a piece. Tight.

    (Apr 20 06, 10:33)


    hey wildflower - welcome to 2006 - you going to hold onto the past and bring up anti-american shit w/each post? If so - be sure to preface each post w/EVERY country's shitty pasts etc and include every instance of annexation and historical latin american incedent that has ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING CONNECTION TO THIS CONVERSATION AT ALL.


    it's 2006 - build yourself a 'wayback' machine and hop in... see if you can find a way of stopping all the horrible things that the current day... NOW LIVING AMERICANS had NOTHING to do with.

    I'm sick of that bullshit arguement too... you too are a racist - calling out your bullshit anglo-saxon references and evil american historical instances of the past - specifically against the Latin community...

  • WildFlower0

    *looks around for post

  • cruz_azul0

    "would it be right of me - when there's a bunch more people in line also... who are paying their insurance etc... to 1.) cut in front of them... and demand they let me get my operation first... AND FREE OF CHARGE?"

    this is your analogy !

    try again!

  • cruz_azul0

    "hey wildflower - welcome to 2006 - you going to hold onto the past "


  • thinman0


    Current legal Mexican-Americans have quite a disdain for "Gringos", as they tend to call them.

    Don't even get me started on what my Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican friends have to say.

    It's much worse than what anyone has been writing.


  • thinman0

    "hey wildflower - welcome to 2006 - you going to hold onto the past "

    (Apr 20 06, 10:50)

    you really are a halfwit aren't you?

    Jesus man, at least 10 people have called you an asshole

  • PonyBoy0

    "would it be right of me - when there's a bunch more people in line also... who are paying their insurance etc... to 1.) cut in front of them... and demand they let me get my operation first... AND FREE OF CHARGE?"

    this is your analogy !

    try again!

    (Apr 20 06, 10:47)
    Enter response:

    huh? try what again?

    I'm asking you - if based on your logic... if it's okay for me to cut and line and demand free surgery...

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    ahhhh... devil number!! must post quick!

  • thinman0

    "would it be right of me - when there's a bunch more people in line also... who are paying their insurance etc... to 1.) cut in front of them... and demand they let me get my operation first... AND FREE OF CHARGE?"

    this is your analogy !

    try again!

    (Apr 20 06, 10:47)
    Enter response:

    huh? try what again?

    I'm asking you - if based on your logic... if it's okay for me to cut and line and demand free surgery...
    (Apr 20 06, 10:52)

    haa haa

    I little too much for the dude's brain PonyBoy.

    Let him catch up.

    //come on, front of the line here junior

  • PonyBoy0

    "hey wildflower - welcome to 2006 - you going to hold onto the past "


    (Apr 20 06, 10:50)
    Enter response:


  • thinman0

    "hey wildflower - welcome to 2006 - you going to hold onto the past "


    (Apr 20 06, 10:50)
    Enter response:

    (Apr 20 06, 10:55)

    that's Spanglish

    Mi legal isreal now. I cheat and lie and break laws

  • Republican0


    (Apr 20 06, 10:50)

    You really do not belong in America cruz. I am sure there are plenty of other places that would welcome you if you illegaly gain entry. Right?

  • thinman0


    (Apr 20 06, 10:50)

    You really do not belong in America cruz. I am sure there are plenty of other places that would welcome you if you illegaly gain entry. Right?
    (Apr 20 06, 10:58)

    Papa New Guinea? Any good at head hunting cruz_azul?

    ohhhh of course you are, I forgot.


  • mrdobolina0

    being dicks isn't going to prove any points to anyone.

  • WildFlower0

    He's bringing up Israel because they held onto claim for that land for 3000 years. Anyway, let's not digress.

    Ponyman, yer real angry. I dont think i was being racist by talking about "Anglo-Saxon" blood. Just giving you the general sweep of histry. Things change, people move, languages, cultures etc.. .evolve. Its true that the Anglo half of the American continent has spent its entire history, into the current day into supressing everything south of the border. Which is fine - i just don't see where legallity, or justice comes into it.

    Hey tho, you're accusing people of "racism" in this thread a lot. I bet you're a black guy who feels an air of superiority by calling out "reverse racism". Sorry bro, didn't mean to have touched a nerve.

    Just pointing out, in the grand sweep of history, and as history continues, the story of the north and south of this continent is intimately entwined. Maybe if the Mexicans hadn't lost Texas, New Mexico, California, it'd be the north americans breaking down the barriers south. Who knows? All i know, is that our peoples, on this land mass in this new world, are connected.

    No time for hate. Peace.

  • WildFlower0

    He's bringing up Israel because they held onto claim for that land for 3000 years. Anyway, let's not digress.

    Ponyman, yer real angry. I dont think i was being racist by talking about "Anglo-Saxon" blood. Just giving you the general sweep of histry. Things change, people move, languages, cultures etc.. .evolve. Its true that the Anglo half of the American continent has spent its entire history, into the current day into supressing everything south of the border. Which is fine - i just don't see where legallity, or justice comes into it.

    Hey tho, you're accusing people of "racism" in this thread a lot. I bet you're a black guy who feels an air of superiority by calling out "reverse racism". Sorry bro, didn't mean to have touched a nerve.

    Just pointing out, in the grand sweep of history, and as history continues, the story of the north and south of this continent is intimately entwined. Maybe if the Mexicans hadn't lost Texas, New Mexico, California, it'd be the north americans breaking down the barriers south. Who knows? All i know, is that our peoples, on this land mass in this new world, are connected.

    No time for hate. Peace.