web - intellectual property rights

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  • Timson

    hello, i was wondering about the intellectual property rights of a wesbite.
    last year i developed a wesbite for a large organisation.
    now i just got an email that they are starting a new campaign and if i would be interrested in doing that website but using the same engine/layout as the one i did last year.
    no problem, wasn't it fot the fact that 5 other agencies got the same mail and could also use my engine/layout for the project.
    my question, can i deny the other agencies from using my engine/layout for the project on behold of intellectual property rights? note, there wasn't a contract that discussed the i.p.r., but nonetheless...

  • weestu0

    I think you have ownership of the backend of the site while the client owns the frontend, unless agreed otherwise. I don't know how that would stand up legally tho...